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Over Confident Whippet!


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Hi I'm new :)

I was just wondering if anyone else had ever had a problem with an over-zealous whippet! I've heard so many times that whippets can be a little nervy and timid around other dogs but that certainly isn't the problem I'm having!

My whippet Tilly is 15 months old, I've had her from 10 weeks. She is our first dog and VERY adored :D she is well trained and has had recall training from day one. She's walked off the lead since we started going out (however, only in big open spaces where I can see everything and she is far away from the road). Like I say she is well trained and I can call her off of cats, squirrels, rabbits or any other small creatures without a problem - she is barely interested in them.

My big problem is other dogs!! Tilly has been very well socialised, my mum and mother-in-law both have dogs and as myself and my husband often work away Tilly has been going between the two homes for visits since she was a pup. She has never had any kind of problem and is a very happy lively little dog. The problem now is that we have recently moved to a new area, we don't have a garden so we're walking Tilly about 3 times a day. Our new walking ground is perfect for a little whippet, big wide open fields with lots of running room and the occasional seagull to be chased :D

The problem is that if Tilly sees another dog she will charge straight at it! As a general rule she just runs around them and comes back towards me, however if they're on a lead she can get right up in there and be a bit of a nuisance. She seems completely deaf to me calling her - proper sighthound behaviour. This isn't always a bad thing, she's made quite a few friends and this morning we spent about an hour and a half playing with other little dogs which means I have a nice worn out whippet for the day! However, I'm worried that (a) she's going to get herself into trouble one day by charging at an unfriendly dog and (b) we're going to get a reputation for being a pain!

While some owners seem to appreciate a nice fast whippet wearing out their dogs others can be a bit funny. I really don't want to have to put her on a lead the whole time as she gets so much out of our walks and I don't want to ruin her friendly nature as she is a beautiful dog to have and I don't have to worry about her at all.

The really frustrating thing is my husband appears to be able to call her off - he really growls at her with a low voice and that works. It's very annoying as I've always been top dog and she doesn't usually listen to him!!

Does anyone have any ideas? Do you think this behaviour will settle down as she gets older? She's only doing it because she wants to play so I can see it gradually wearing down. We do try and distract her, she has a frisbee which she adores but gets tired of after a while. When we take her out with the two of us we run a little distance apart and keep calling her to us which she loves. However, distractions only work some of the time!

I think she will settle down in time . I have had eight whippets and only one has been quiet around other dogs . The rest have been just like Tilly . You could try keeping some really special treat on you that she only ever gets when she comes back eg cheese , sausage etc . If you are walking with other dogs maybe she will not feel the need to investigate every other dog around ?

If all else fails be assured she will settle down in time they all do