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Our Whippet Pup - Advice Please !


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We recently got our lovely 8 week old Whippet Dog, having not had a pup in our family before we didnt really know what to expect.

On the whole he is pretty well behaved (goes out to do his business, eating up, doest cry to much, travels well in the car etc.) BUT there are 2 problems and we dont want him to get into bad habits with them.

1) Obviously as a pup he wants to play (has his mad 1/2 hours) we give him the attention and throw his toy (rope toy), but he persists in nipping clothes and trouser legs as well as face and hand if you get to close (wont stop when given a firm NO!!!). We dont mind but dont want him to get into a bad habit. Any suggestions ?????

2) Whenever he goes outside he just wants to chew everything and has eaten plenty of GRASS and the odd TWIG / SMALL STONE, obviously he is that boistrous he his hard to stop. We are worried about health issues with him.

We would appreciate any advice on the above 2 points.

The best thing I found for discouraging those little nips is to yelp loudly (like a sibling would) and if it is too hard or continues just walk away and ignore him for a while.

With the chewing of twigs etc, I guess the only thing to do is to be vigilant and take away anything that could do harm if swallowed. Be aware of what plants are poisonous.

And don't forget to give lots of praise when he is good, or does what he is told.
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that's good advice which we followed, you think they're never going to stop being a little skinny whirlwind, but they do eventually, we've all been through it, they're learning just like an inquisitive baby/toddler/pushy teenager !

Enjoy him while he's little, you just need eyes in the back of your head !!!

Good luck !
Toddy is 8 MONTHS and stll picks up and chews everything (eats a lot of it too). I have banned him from the plant borders at present because I have a lot of clematis, Delphiniums and other toxic plants in there. Means a lot of extra walking to drain off his energy but it is better than a sick dog (or no garden!)

You may have a time to go before your wee one stops eating what he shouldn't.

The advice of nipping is good and it does work.

Best of luck

Same advice as already given :D

Any chance of some pics of your boy? :D :thumbsup:
I would definitely recommend the yelping loudly thing, stops them in their tracks and then gives you chance to get them to focus on something else. I have seen a few people pointing at them when telling them no, and they end up nipping at your finger, if you want to do anything with your hands show him the flat palm of your hand, not so tempting to nip as a finger, or better still just keep your hands out of the way eg behind your bak to avoid temptation!!

Kendall is now 8 monhts and believes his is a horse - he is often seeing trying to pluck grass even when on his walks, and he cannot be trusted in the garden on his own - just mischief!!Just keep an eye on him - they are into everything!

Sounds like you are doing really well with him!
It Sounds like Kendall is related to Toddy. He is more like a small horse too :wacko: I cannot trust him in the garden either. :unsure:

I have insured Toddy for the next 12 months beacuse of his eating habits :luck: :luck: :luck: .

He is just a bit too fond of mouthing stones for my liking. :blink: :wacko: :nuke: