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Our New Arrival


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Well done Kim hes a whopper and a bloody lovely one at that

Heres Zain born 07.16am this morning by c section weighing in at 10lb 9 1/2oz

lots of love from Uncle James Auntie Sadie and your 2 very excited Cousins Bobby and Izzy xxx


congratulations hes lovely. love the name :thumbsup:
Awwww hello Zain :wub: , glad to see you've arrived safe and sound.
Wow 10lb 9 1/2oz he beautiful well done Kim
He's beautiful :wub: Congratulations. Well done Kim :luck:
WOW no wonder he stayed in there soo long, hes soo big and beautiful, Congratulations and Well Done Kim xx
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He is absolutely gorgeous!!! I am over the moon for Kim and Gaz and chuffed he has finally arrived, am so excited to meet the little fella although he's already not so little hey!
Well done Kim, your mum can stop panicing now, no light weight there :)) He is lovely. :wub:
OMG Kim (w00t) (w00t) When I said 10lb,you said I was going to far :lol: Zain is gorgeous,big well done from me and big congrats to all the family :thumbsup: xxxxx
OMG Kim (w00t) (w00t) When I said 10lb,you said I was going to far :lol: Zain is gorgeous,big well done from me and big congrats to all the family :thumbsup: xxxxx
Forgot to add,Well Done on your timing :thumbsup: bet your Mum even made Shirebrook today :lol:
well done Kim he's lovely cant wait to see him :thumbsup: :sweating: 10 91/2 wow
Well done Kim, definately a no-limiter there (w00t) :lol:
OMG Kim (w00t) (w00t) When I said 10lb,you said I was going to far :lol: Zain is gorgeous,big well done from me and big congrats to all the family :thumbsup: xxxxx
Forgot to add,Well Done on your timing :thumbsup: bet your Mum even made Shirebrook today :lol:
I did Karen (w00t) got home from hospital 9.30 ish set off for Shirebrook 10 ish after a shower,not that i was much good to anyone this morning even needed coke halfway thru to keep me goig oh yeah a chocolate hahaha Just got home now and have to say i'm totally knackered, but bet not half as tired as my beautiful daughter who had quite a rough time of it for a while bless her, and finally delivered our new addition by caesearian section this morning. Zain is an absolute cracker and i'm sure it wont be to long before you all meet him at one of the clubs. sorry signing off results will have to wait today i need to sleeeeep zzzzzzzz'
Well done Kim glad everthink went well from Lyndon & Bethany
congratulations Kim, he's a good looker, must take after you eh. :thumbsup:

well done kim and family and of corse baby zain would not fancy the bill of the c section mind lol :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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