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Our Last Music Promo...


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We've worked on a few promos, some of which have been quite successful and got onto MTV etc, but this is the first one we directed, produced, modelled/animated all by ourselves. For various reasons it never got any publicity or circulation :(

our last music video
Surprised no-one replied to this Elizabeth, but hope you don't mind my opinion. :b

I think the video effects are really good and the camera panning to the rooms very much in the style of the White Stripes music videos. I think what let it down was the singer looks almost depressed and the female character is Extremely wooden. In fact the most animated her face looks to me is in the black and white photo of her smiling on the dummy! The rest of the band don't seem particularly interesting on the eye either.

It's a shame your hard work wasn't rewarded because there's a nice retro feel to it (the 'in' thing with the 80's making a come back) but I think your efforts were let down by the subjects. I don't know the band and I suppose it's difficult if they're new and up and coming because you want to get their faces recognised.

Out of interest, what else have you been involved in? It'd be nice to know something I've seen was made by yourself. :thumbsup:

Hope I don't sound too harsh on the models / band. :b

Tony says quote 'the bird needs to be wearing less clothing', I hope my comments were a tad more constructive.
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LOL! Actually you're spot on. The band thought the same when they saw it too :b Though to be honest, most of the bands seem to have the same problem, their imagined self image doesn't match up to what they see on the screen. We got a lot of good work of the back of it so it wasn't time wasted :D
i tried to look at this this morning but i had problems downloading it so thought i would try again later.ive just tried again and still cant get it up.sorry cos id like to see it :(
Well I think it's brilliant, well as much as I could download, it took aaaaaaaaaaaages and Hugo wanted the computer. I see what WW is saying, but I thought the flatness was what they were aiming for. Anyway, just whittling on as I don't know anything at all about music videos, but I do think it is very well made.
That was really interesting to view. I'm a bit long in the tooth to give an opinion but I thought the part where the singer photographs the girl and the pictures appear from the camera was very clever.
