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Our Ancient Cat


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36 having an operation on Wednesday. She is 19 and has had an overactive thyroid for a few years which has been kept reasonably under control with drugs but it's getting harder to control it and so the vet thinks it would be good for her to have the operation even at her advanced age as he thinks she is in good health apart from the thyroid problem. We have had her since she was 6 months old, :wub: caught as a feral kitten and adopted by us. She has lived in all but one of our 6 homes so is well travelled! I hope the operation is a success - I trust our vet and he seems pretty confident that she will be OK even at her age. She is our last cat and we've had them ever since we got married 26 years ago so it will be a sad day when we finally lose her. Wednesday will be a long day! :sweating:

Here are a few pics I took this morning.







Here she is with Jonah :p


He will even allow to walk underneath him now! :lol:



:luck: with the op, wednesdays going to be a busy day my boys having his op then.
good luck with the op :luck:

she looks so much like our old cat Mog (sadly no longer with us :( )
Good luck :luck: :luck: with your op Katie.....gorgeous girl... :wub: :wub:
Gillian, she is beautiful, good luck with her op :luck: I cannot believe how much she looks like my old cat Smokey, she lived to the ripe old age of 18 and was also a feral kitten, born in my mums friends underwear drawer (don't ask!).

I'll try and take some pics of photos later on and send them to you. Although I wish that I'd seen Katie when we came to visit, I'm glad that Molly never clapped eyes on her, she hates cats (w00t)
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Good luck with her op on Wednesday. :luck: :luck: She is a beautiful cat and certainly doesn't look her age. :wub: :wub:
Good luck with her op on Wednesday. :luck: :luck: She is a beautiful cat and certainly doesn't look her age. :wub: :wub:
Good luck to Katie for Wednesday - what great condition she is in :)

One of my cats was diagnosed with overactive thyroid 3 weeks ago and he is on 1 pill twice a day to try and stabilise him. He is 12 now and has been here since birth, along with his 2 brothers, as I rescued his mum.

The vet has offered a unilateral thyroid excision if the pills don't work so I would be interested to hear about Katie's progress.

Much love to her :huggles: :huggles:
Wishing you all the best for Wednesday :luck: Katie looks absolutely superb for her age :wub: :huggles: :thumbsup:
Wow, that is one healthy looking cat!! She doesnt look anywhere near her age. No wonder your vet is so positive about her having the op. Lots of :luck: :luck: I am sure she will be fine and fitter than ever :huggles:
:luck: :luck: for Wednesday. She looks really good for her age, I love tabby cats.
wow gillian she looks so young :wub: ,good luck to you and katie on wednesday :huggles:
:luck: on Wed Katie :luck: She looks fab for her age - what's her secret???
:luck: to Katie. She looks a lot like our old cat Topsy, she was about 13 when she had one of her thyroid glands out, she lived a further 2 years & then just vanished one day :(

I'm sure your faith in your vet will be justified :thumbsup:
Thanks for all your well wishes. :cheers: I've no idea how Katie has managed to live so long especially as she had a poor start in life! She never goes outside these days, just sleeps and eats! :D We could have had this op 2 years ago but decided to stick with the medication - if we'd known she was still going to be here 2 years later then we would definitely have gone ahead. She may have to have another op in 6-8 weeks time as both sides of her thyroid need doing but it's too risky to operate on both at the same time. She's not insured either so nice bill to come from the vets! :- "

I'll let you know how she gets on. :thumbsup:
Hope everything goes ok tomorrow for Katie :luck:

Liz and the Monellis
thinking about you all today gillian,good luck to katie :luck: :luck: :luck: