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Oscar Steady For Bolted Rabbits

Mike from Hereford

New Member
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Oscar (Deerhound Cross 25") waiting for bunnies to bolt.I had a few nervous moments when he went for the ferret.After a swift verbal rebuke , he has been very good.He now gets to feed with the ferrets everyday to form that unique working relationship,


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hi mike, dont want to sound offensive but all your pics are of dogs looking into the hedge bottom with some description about keeness or pointing. :- " .there doesnt even look like a rabbit set is even there.
Good point,

I,ll admit, I,ve found the taking of "Action" photos very difficult, not an excuse, just honest.

Rabbits live in Warrens not sets and you can see the rabbit run throught the grass in the hedge.
:cheers: Shakey :thumbsup:

'All' Mikes photos? :blink: Dont think so you find you are prone to exaggeration ALL the time? :lol:
I think they are lovely pics,This one of Oscar looks like he is very busy concentrating on the rabbits that he "knows" will "try" and come past him :p

Did he take his job seriously then Mike? and do you proud and catch a few? :thumbsup:
The dog you see has so far been very good, it will catch rabbits, enough said,


I,m not very good with the camera !!

To take good action photos you need plenty of light and a fast shutter speed, if you havnt got those two you will never capture the action. I think you dog looks great with all this frost there should be some good ferreting to come,
Dont know what thread they are on now but seem to remember Mike posting some action shots of his Blues Bros and Oscar quite recently, and they were really good - so think your being a bit overly modest Mike.
Always modest !!

Its the ability to get that white tail in the picture thats the problem, they really are shifting when there bolted.


Action shots are tricky but sometimes you just get lucky even with a cheap camera!

Nice looking dog mate.

It's a bit easier when your dog only has three legs!!!

shakey, where i live we call em sets not rabbit warrens. hedge bottom means excactly what it says. wtf, :- "