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Oreo, why are you so itchy? an update


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So I haven't been here for a while, and I thought i'd post an update about Oreo and her ongoing battle with 'allergies'.

A while back I posted here about how Oreo my lab cross had random face twitching, well it got a little worse so we took her to the vets for a check up to make sure everything was ok. After various blood tests and a couple of hundred pound later she was diagnosed with a very mild form of epilepsy, which has no noticable effect on her every day life so the vet has asked us to keep an eye on it for now.

Anyway, while we were there he checked her glands and noticed they were full and infected so she was placed on a course of antibiotics. Went back two weeks later and the same was done again and we were to return a month later for a check up (tomorrow).

Since he has emptied the glands Oreo has leaked a little brown liquid each day wherever she has lay, and it stinks, its awful!

However, the plus side to all of this is that we have seen a noticeable difference in her paw chewing and face scratching!

Which is great news.

We have been recommended a grain free diet for us to try to reduce it even further and Oreo is now a week and a half into the new diet. She has had no scraps or no treats just her food which has been very hard for us. Her coat is so much better as a result.

So were due back to the vets tomorrow for a check up on her glands and hopefully he can empty them again and sort the problem out for a little longer this time :)
Hey thats great to hear oreo is doing much better. Anal glands is never a nice smell to have at home lol. Can i ask which grain free pfood you have started oreo on? I have rufus on wafcol salmon and potato and that has certainely sorted out his gut problems. Nice to see you back online cadac.
Hey thank you.

It's a food called berrimans. It's a local food but its grain and gluten free and seems to be agreeing with Oreo so far.

It was recommended by someone at my partners work who use it for at the rescue that they volunteer at.
cadac ask your vet yo show you how to empty the glands its really mot that hard after a few trys, had to do my dog every week but all sorted amd lots better now
Yeah I will ask later when I go, however when I asked him last time he said that because they were infected with puss and blood it probably wasn't best I did it as it could make the problem worse.

Hopefully they arn't infected today and they just need an empty.

aye i agree with you, but when cleared up you check and see if anythink comes out, the secret is to not let them go too long without empying and you need to find out how quick they fill or half fill.. the main reason they get infected is the lengh of time the glands are full.. hope it works out ok for you..
Ok so just got back. Her left gland is cleared however the right one was full of puss and blood :(

She now seems much more relaxed now it's empty.

She has got to go in on Tuesday where the vet is going to put her to sleep and flush out her gland in the hope that it finally gets rid of the infection.

I'm terrified to be honest as I really don't like the idea of having her knocked out even if it is for a short period.

The finally option is to remove the glands completely but this risk of incontinence is high!!

So greatful for insurance!
Aw Cadac don't work she will probably only get sedated to flush the gland out, it's a routine simple procedure, and nce the infection is under control she will be much happier, as Lurcherman said it's simple for you to empty them yourself after your vet shows you how, I have to do Murphy every couple of weeks and he doesn't even bother anymore. Let us know how she gets on. :flowers: