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On Youtube

Doreen Hopkins

New Member
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Our eldest grandaughter loves her music. She is studying to be a Zoologist, but her passion is music.

She writes lots of her own songs, and along with her younger sister Lily they make CD's of cover versions

to give to the family. She goes under the name of MillieHoppy on You Tube ( even though her name is Emily Hopkins. )

We love her and her sister to bits. Have a listen !

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Hope you don't mind me putting this link on Doreen, she's a very talented young lady :thumbsup:
Thanks Geoff, of course we are biased we think she is wonderful, not only her singing but her personality

She charms everyone she comes into contact with ( of course she gets that from me LOL )


She's very talented Doreen :thumbsup: Can see why your so proud :thumbsup:
Super Doreen x factor next :thumbsup:
Thanks Karen. She is taking a gap year before going to Exeter University. She is going to work in a Safari Park

in Australia. We are going to miss her so much but she has promised to keep in touch through SKYPE.

Her younger sister Lily is realy going to miss her, they are great friends and do a lot of the music together.

They have a duet posted on Youtube that they wrote and composed the music together.


Super Doreen x factor next :thumbsup:
Hi Lyndon, no X factor, her music is just her hobby, she is determined to be a Large Animal Vet, that's why she is going out to Australia to get some experience.

I have asked her to get some experience on treating racing dogs, it will save me a forune ( ha, ha )


Thanks Karen. She is taking a gap year before going to Exeter University. She is going to work in a Safari Parkin Australia. We are going to miss her so much but she has promised to keep in touch through SKYPE.

Her younger sister Lily is realy going to miss her, they are great friends and do a lot of the music together.

They have a duet posted on Youtube that they wrote and composed the music together.


Brains,beauty,and talent,you couldn't ask for more Doreen.Hope she enjoys her time in Australia.Studying to be a vet is a long hard slog,but worth it in the end.If she ends up doing large animals,can I book Georges horses in,they cost more than the dogs :lol:
Good luck hope things work out for her Doreen :thumbsup:
i can see why your proud doreen she has talent :thumbsup:
she's brill Doreen never heard you sing :thumbsup: does she get that from you as well as the looks and brains,
Makes me want to weep, her latest video on YouTube, Paint Pots & Poetry. She wrote & composed this herself. I can't believe she has matured so quickly.

Where has my little grandaughter gone ( boo hoo )

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what lovely girls, beautiful speaking voices, lovely personality and so gifted, I wish her all the best with her gap year and future training as a vet, she deserves to go far, good luck xxx
if she went in to xefactor i would take her sister with her because they have got a good harmeny together and they both sound good
Such a talented young lady, thank you Doreen for sharing. Problem is I dont just listen to one Doreen have to go through them all 'Heart Thief' and 'Throught it All' love these two - keep them coming :thumbsup: