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On the blog: 20 Poisonous Garden Plants For Dog

Aurora Pets

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I remember when we first brought Yianni home and we had made all of the necessary preparations with his new puppy dog bed, fun dog toys, food, dog treats and moved any breakables that could be damaged in those crazy run around puppy moments.

Yianni was our first dog and so the dog world was completely new to us making google and dog forums our must have and most used internet tabs for about 6 months at least.

With all of our research and preparations indoors we didn’t even think or research the dangers that the garden can hold for a puppy that wants to investigate every smell and even taste anything that resembles food!

On our first visit to our garden, Yianni became obsessed with a certain flower we had in our garden and this triggered the thought and slight panic ‘is it okay for him to be around that plant? Hang on are all of our plants safe for dogs in our garden?!”

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Laburnham and Digitalis are another two to add to the list, never knew Azaleas were poisonous, have loads in my garden :(
There's a wide range of toxicity in those plants listed. I grow many of them along with many not listed. There are a couple I worry about with the dog but not many.

I will stop him napping under the belladonna when the berries start to ripen!
Yes, I grow many of them too - dogs, daffs, ivy, foxglove, etc. have coexisted for a long time.

But particularly with puppies, it's as well to be aware, so if you see them munching on daffs you can keep an eye out for symptoms and decide if you need to cut them down to ground level (assuming it's the whole plant and not just the bulb that is poisonous).
Yes, I grow many of them too - dogs, daffs, ivy, foxglove, etc. have coexisted for a long time.

But particularly with puppies, it's as well to be aware, so if you see them munching on daffs you can keep an eye out for symptoms and decide if you need to cut them down to ground level (assuming it's the whole plant and not just the bulb that is poisonous).

I was always more worried about him snacking on the snails when he was a pup. He had to be supervised constantly in the garden. He was never one for trying to eat plants but he did love l'escargot for tea! We have some of the most poisonous plants in Britain growing in abundance around here ( the hemlocks are over 6ft tall in places) and there is plenty of Oenanthe crocata too which is quite deadly.
I was always more worried about him snacking on the snails when he was a pup.

Jasper never did that, but DS2 did :confused: I found him once dipping his finger firmly into a snail shell like a spoon into a fromage frais pot, and saying 'Bubbles!'
Jasper did, though, feast on rotting June drop apples, and acorns. Acorns are supposed to be poisonous but he survived OK!
:D Does DS2 still like them? Acorns taste grim - I'm surprised Jasper ate more than one unless they went down whole! I have a large oak so no way can I keep acorns out and we're currently playing "ball" with the June drops from the apple trees.
:D Does DS2 still like them?

Thankfully, he seems to have grown out of the habit! It's hard to wash off snail slime from all round the mouth when you're just using Oilatum because of eczema...
Gosh it’s enough to put you off letting them in the garden altogether, much to my annoyance one of the people I live with likes to put food out for the birds.. that on top of the occasional rat that hangs around our garden means that Rox only goes out on a lead, a short one for toilet and a long line for playing fetch! Ridiculous!
I was always more worried about him snacking on the snails when he was a pup. He had to be supervised constantly in the garden. He was never one for trying to eat plants but he did love l'escargot for tea! We have some of the most poisonous plants in Britain growing in abundance around here ( the hemlocks are over 6ft tall in places) and there is plenty of Oenanthe crocata too which is quite deadly.

Yoko was forever trying to eat slugs and snails when she was a puppy lol
Gosh it’s enough to put you off letting them in the garden altogether, much to my annoyance one of the people I live with likes to put food out for the birds.. that on top of the occasional rat that hangs around our garden means that Rox only goes out on a lead, a short one for toilet and a long line for playing fetch! Ridiculous!

It really is! Luckily ours only nibble on grass and the occasional weed (not poisonous) when they were inquisitive puppies it was like guard duty in the garden haha