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Old Rare??? Book


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Searching through some old drawers(as one does!!)I have come across an uncorrected proof copy of Pauline Wilsons book "Whippets-Rearing and Racing" This book gives an insight as to why and when the various organisations were formed and also has sections with write ups of the great racing dogs of the time including Cherry Peddlar Blackie and Roberta D Great reading, and took me right back to when I first started racing when the great stud dogs were Blue Peter and Bilko and great brood bitches Maretta and Young Lucy who when mated to Bilko produced Red Baron and Warlord and three further racing champs from subsequent matings.Wonder what its worth now o:)
Well, if you want to sell yours there aren't any currently up on Amazon, which means you can probably name your price (things usually go for about double eBay prices on Amazon Marketplace anyway). The fact it's an uncorrected proof probably won't add much to the value as this sort of book doesn't really have a bibliophile/collectors' market, just whippety people who want to read it. Some out of print books like Mary Lowe's The English Whippet go for over £100 (until it was reissued).

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would love to read it, would you fancy loaning it out , :cheers:
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Hi, John, just sold a whippet book to someone in Oz via Amazon, wasn't you was it? :D

i have been called a wizard before well i think it was wizard LOL :cheers:
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Sorry, didn't see Co. Durham bit! Dope, Auckland's in New Zealand rather than Australia isn't it? Geography was never my strongpoint :oops:

I actually use ebay and amazon as a kind of lending service - once you've read it you just put it back up for sale, sometimes you even make a nice little profit (w00t)

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Very interesting - I have a perfect copy of the Wilson book I bought some years ago for $8 (NZ dollars...$1NZ=$peanuts) and I thought for sure there would be others for sale. This is a great website for searching for secondhand titles

and they have NONE!! Big surprise. iang, our books may be worth more than I thought.

There were several copies of Lowe's books, from 19 pounds (Amazon UK) to $US245 - depending on edition, I guess. (I have a first edition.)

I have a copy of Pauline Wilson's Whippets-Rearing and Racing-hardback-1979

+ The Greyhound Trainer-pbk-by H.Montagu-Harrison("the Guv'nor") 1962

A more recent 'absolute bible' is-Care of the Racing Greyhound-A Guide for Trainers, Breeders and Veterinarians by Blythe, Gannon and Craig which we got from the states.

Open to offers for the older books-e-mail me if your interested
Barkis said:
There were several copies of Lowe's books, from 19 pounds (Amazon UK) to $US245 - depending on edition, I guess. (I have a first edition.)

No, it's just supply (lack of) and demand. The first one I bid on was a signed copy, and it went up to c.£110 on eBay. I thought it was because it was signed, but the next one (which wasn't) did as well. I eventually paid £40 and then found the price had only dropped because the new edition had come out. The new one has a lot of new material, I think the first and second printings fairly similar. If you want one, buy it now they will be like gold-dust again once they go out of print (w00t)

I sell quite a lot of rare-ish books, and base the price on how widely available it is (first Amazon, then Abe Books etc). If I can't find any other copies it goes up for at least £25 to £50. People do buy them too, although in my experience they're usually Harley St doctors, or Gray's Inn lawyers :blink:

If you really want a book for a sensible price, just put a search up on eBay, eventually you'll get a good value copy.

Hi John,I wouldn`t mind lending you it and as I am down on the Durham coast I can see it is not far from you,so I am sure we could arrange something. Ian
:cheers: mate there plenty of racing over that area dawdan,murton,horden,will e-mail you when there is a meeting on in the area and arrange something. :cheers:
ian where on the durham coast i am in blackhall colliery
Hi Kenny You will be surprised to hear that I too live in Blackhall (w00t)
its a small world m8 i see john evry weekend email me and i will take you through aycliffe at the weekend his a really nice pommy is john i will intraduce you to all the racers thats if ya dont already know them :blink:
Hi Kenny,I said I would try and catch Gary Grey to hand the book over,but as you live in the village and travel to Aycliffe most weekends mebbe you could pick it up???????????????
no problem ian, end house op chimneys, 118 just giz a knock m8 :thumbsup:
Wouldn't mind a look at that one day Ian :- " ;)

cheers Nobby.
I will pop it round to your house tomorrow Kenny and Nobby you are next in line