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Ok Who Wouldnt Scream If They Saw This !!!!


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last night while i was on the phone to Clair ,this spider decided to crawl across my curtains and was making its way very quickly towards me ,im afraid i made Clair deaf as i did scream ,just a little bit ,but wouldnt you??? its huge :eek:

:x :x :x :x

We had one like that the other day trac, ran across the floor :eek:

Skye ate it before i could catch it :eek: :x :lol:

And....... No i didn't scream .... :p
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I wouldn't scream , I think it's lovely :D

I have a plastic cup I keep handy for catching them and putting them outside :D
:D awww it's only a baby one looking for his mummy, xx :D :D you probably scared it to death screaming ! lol :-
That's just a baby one Trac, you should see the mummies and daddies we have :eek: I like them too - weird aren't we? :lol:
:x :x :x :x NOOOOOOOOOOOOO more spiders :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
I wouldn't have screamed...I like spiders too and have to carry them out of the classroom as work with a phobic teacher...Ann...are you telling porkies???
I wouldn't have screamed...I like spiders too and have to carry them out of the classroom as work with a phobic teacher...Ann...are you telling porkies???
just a little me thinks clair ,shall i save it for crufts for her lol
i wouldnt scream i like spiddys :D

they wouldnt hurt you so why be affraid of them ?
Because they're dirty little mingers, that could run up your leg

or get in your mouth when your asleep. And they spin horrible

webs that you walk into early in the morning when your the first

one down the garden path :x
The webs are works of art and they look great especially with frost on them , like lace :)

Spiders are great because they eat lots of nasty bugs :)
Auctually you are right they are lovely when they frost up.

And just as they are thawing with the water on them. But

not when they are stuck to my always certain

the spider has come with it and is sitting in my hair :x