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Oily Overalls


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I'm new to this problem...

How do you clean working mens clothes-oily overalls?

soak first? pre-wash?

special detergent?

separate washer?.......I'm sure ours isn't going to hold up to all this grime :(
well first of all i would say use a washing machine.

but 2nd of all u could also get someone else to do it for u
im not a man im a 15 yr old girl.

and the answer is still the same. :) :)
Nice to see independance is thriving! :lol:

Karen I'd of thought they'd wreck the washing machine, I've heard of folk pouring petrol on overalls to cut the grease but for all the hassle I'd be inclined to just bin them. :teehee: Looked online and they're about £8.00 which is probably cheaper than the boxes of Daz you'd need! :lol:
:oops: sorry Sean.....

Can't bin them Wild Whippie-

He wears them for work everyday... :cheers: anyway

Keep the tips coming...must be an answer somewhere............ :cheers:
karen can he wear those cheap disposable ones,i think theyre made out of a cheap fibre like paper stufff?it will probably cos you a fortune in washing powders and electricity :eek:

Can't believe that site Wild Whippie :D ace or what?

Kris-No he has to wear the all-in-one traditional type-he works for Honda-Marine-so very messy work :(

gonna try a pre-soaker (soda) as recommended on Wild Whippies site- :thumbsup:
Christ I never thought I'd see the day where I'm posting tips on domestic duties!! Vicky come and rescue me before I start polishing with Vodka!! :teehee:

ETA Karen to keep his hands nice and clean, tell him to rake his nails through a bar of soap :thumbsup:

Oh dear God!! :blink:
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