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NWRF Bend Derby


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Nwrf bend results from today

nl banjo r-up come on ernie

40lb minsters rocket r-up santa cruz

vets 20lb gentleman jim

28lb snow hawk

35lb mad mick

sup mad mick, 2 snow hawk 3 gentleman jim

bitches 20lb you dare ht milky way

23lb girl power ht monkey

26lb hot mouse

29lb lacy venture ht everythings rosie

32lb saxon tiger

35lb trevors chaser

dogs 20lb viv merlin

23lb oscras pride ht vivs quest

26lb ones cushties star ht ones blue too

29lb midnight run ht red reign

32lb southern scott :D told ya cos i was runnin him lol

35lb midnight boy

lw bitches 1st girl power 2 hot mouse 3 you dare w/d

hw bitches 1st lacey venture 2 trevors chaser 3 saxon tiger w/d

lw dogs 1st oscars pride 2 ones cushties star 3 vivs merlin w/d

hw dogs 1st midnight run 2 southern scott 3 midnight boy

overall derby final 1st lacey venture 2 midnight run 3 oscars pride 4 girl power

very good day shame bout the cold weather the supreme final was brilliant a blanket finish between the 1st three and a photo finish for first

Well done everyone!!

Well done Jade & (we all thought he couldn't bend) Tig :D
well i have to say i was jokin when i predicted that my dog would win today but it appears that he had a good day and ran brilliantly and looked like he was really trying the best he has ever run on the bends so far

or maybe he just prefers me to dad

Glad all went off ok for the NEW NWRF hope things go from strength to strength and fair play is the norm not the exception and we all learn from past mistakes Steve
I have the write-up for you Dee, let me know if you still want it. If not I'll post it on site, if you do I'll e-mail it to you ...

thanks fleesh just post it on k9 if thats ok :p
I'm afraid another site won the bid for my write-up ... you all know which site ...
What a great report Fleesh. It was like I could see every race :D .

I had a really good day , the trophies we great that Linda Broom bought for all the winners , she did us all proud ...

well done everyone that won :D
:) Well done Fleesh great report, seems everyone had a great day out.

Well done to the Committee. And all the dogs taking part.
:cheers: for the report fleesh on barking mad and :cheers: to Scotty for the fabulous photos on k9. Heres an idea for everyone if u werent at Warwick: go to barking mad print off fleeshs report and read it whilst looking at the photos. You really do feel like u had been there. once again :cheers:
Well done to all the winners. some good piccy`s scotty.and i agree with sherry a GREAT report fleesh,its sounds like there were some good races