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Nrch Fly The Wind X Savernake Shogun


peppermint lady

(w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)

well its been a very long day for Angie and Purdie.... but 10 puppies later (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)

it looks like shes finished

Purdie and Sam have 10 lovely babies, 1st litter (or herd) for both of them, 5 red fawn girls with black masks and 5 boys (4 red fawn/black mask and 1 silver fawn)

good luck with them Angie......cant wait for a visit.... pics to follow over the next few days

Purdie has been a star and has taken to motherhood like a duck to water

mum and babes doing fine

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
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Hope you are not still in shock Angie had to laugh when you phoned (w00t)

well done Purdie and Sam look forward to a visit in a couple of weeks :wub: :wub:

two lovely looking dogs so their babies should be stunners and I bet they won,t be to bad at running either :luck:
wow 10 puppies :wub: :wub:


cant wait to see the pics,
:wub: WELL DONE PURDIE & SAM :wub:

Sounds like a lovely litter look forward to pics.

Oh well it's all round to Angie & Micks for xmas dinner as she will be feeding quite a few,

and might not notice the odd couple dropping in.
Well done PURDIE AND SAM :thumbsup: sounds like a great litter :wub: ,can not wait to see pictures :wub:
Congratulations Angie and Mick, I bet Geoff is thrilled. I'm sure they will be beautiful, and we will look forward to seeing some pictures. Lots of love to you all xxx
That is a huge number of puppies no wonder she was so big. Congrats to all concerned, all those gorgeous black masked red fawns........... just too jummy for words. Geoff is going to have a hard time picking his boy from 5 of them.

Looking forwards to seeing the photos.
puppy pics (w00t)





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Wow what a lot of little sweethearts best of luck Angie ,Mick :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
What a lovely healthy even looking litter. What a wonderful girl she is - just imagine having that many kids, I bet she's having trouble keeping them in order! In one pic she looks like she is counting them :lol:

Can you imagine gathering all those in a snuggle sack Julie (w00t) :lol:
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Hells teeth how are you going to tell them apart! You will have to colour code them!! Congratulations to all of you. What a cracking litter.
Congrats on such a lovely litter of puppies. Fawn, fawn and more fawn but a mixture of shades it looks like from the photos. :D Actually I think it might make it easier to choose as it eliminates one of the variables (colour) to be swayed by and leaves character size and shape to focus on. Have fun choosing :cheers:
had a call from Angie this morning to say they lost the smallest boy over night, he was the one that held things up in the birth and was not as strong as the other 9.

they are all off to the vets for a check up and dew claws tomorrow

(please dont all add RIP little one with a litter this size it was expected)

im pleased to say the other 9 (w00t) are fighting fit all feeding well and Purdie is a super mother :wub:
WELL DONE to Purdie and Jack on a lovely looking bunch of pups! :wub:

So sorry to hear about the little boy, though perhaps not unexpected with so many.

Will look forward to seeing some more pictures of them all.

I'm guessing Angie and Mick will be kept busy for a while now! :))
Sorry to hear about the one that was lost. Mortality rates for puppies in the first 3 weeks of life is between 5-20% depending on what report you read (most say about 15%) and the breed. Only to be expected in any species that has multiple births I suppose but still sad.
looking forward to coming round for a puppy cuddle:teehee: :teehee: :teehee: need more pictures
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(w00t) pics in a week or so as we are going to see these little dumplings, Angie said they are all doing fab :wub: , Geof will be having a dog as is Laura and Jane, one little girl is staying with Angie and 2 other girls so far have racing homes ;) fingers crossed the other 2 boys and 2 girls get racing homes, its always nice to see them all grow up :wub:
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