Firstly, on behalf on Nationals Committee, may we wish all our racers a very Happy,injury free 2012. :cheers: :cheers:
Our new web site which I'm sure you are now familiar with having attained well over 600 hits to date,now has the minutes of the AGM available to download/view,this contains our dates and distances for 2012 meetings. Also,you may now download the Entry form for the 1st Champs.
Please keep visiting the site which I will endeavor to keep up to date with all the latest info for you :thumbsup:
Our new web site which I'm sure you are now familiar with having attained well over 600 hits to date,now has the minutes of the AGM available to download/view,this contains our dates and distances for 2012 meetings. Also,you may now download the Entry form for the 1st Champs.
Please keep visiting the site which I will endeavor to keep up to date with all the latest info for you :thumbsup: