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Npwra Agm + Positions Within The Committee


peppermint lady

:thumbsup: its that time of year again folks (and i dont mean Christmas), the AGM will be held at the village hall, Horse Path in Oxford I think starting at 11?? but I'm sure Barbara will confirm.

Any members wanting to add items to the agenda must have submitted them to Barbara 28 days before the date of the AGM..

we look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible :thumbsup:

here is a list of the committee members for 2011 and the postions now held following yesterdays meeting,

Geoff Cook - chairman,

Barbara Jackson - secretary,

Sara Eaton - treasurer,

Andrew Ingley - race manager,

Julie Paterson - press officer,

Stephy Hood - PR and jobs coordinator,

June Foster - trophies and presentation,

Maureen Mitchell - trophies and presentation,

Jane Drake - reserve race manager,

Judy Booker - passport officer and disqualification officer.

We also have 3 non voting adviser's, Nigel Booker - webmaster, Alison Ingley - national points system and Alan Haddrell - newsletter
The AGM date is 19th February. I need to check something with the committee and then I'll confirm the start time. We had a rather.................... lively (in a nice way) committee meeting and some details got a bit lost as a result. Bear with me on the start time.