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Noxious smells.


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Timber is 10. Over the last couple of weeks, in the evening only, he has started to create eye-watering smells. Like, curdle your milk smells.

Food is Platinum chicken and has been for 6 months. Prior to that was Gentle chicken. As a puppy, 9 ½ years ago (I remember the evening well) he did horrific bottom burps after teeny amounts of fresh cooked chicken but honestly, nothing since. We have cut out treats apart from a doggy chicken and turmeric sausage which he has been getting for a couple of years, he didn't have many treats anyway.

Any thoughts, other than contacting the suppliers to see if there are any changes in their recipes?

Not only do we seem to share brains, JoanneF, our dogs seem to share bums:eek: Though Jasper's poos firmed up once the temperatures returned to sensible levels, he's been making some foul smells which he rarely used to :confused:

I wonder if it could still be weather related - not sure how hot it got up where you are though. Is he drinking from dodgy water sources on walks? Eating grass?

Can I ask why you switched from Gentle? (Just 'cos I'm nosy ;)) You could try a non-chicken variety - or go raw for a couple of weeks just to see if it clears up the problem, even though I know it's not suitable for you in the long term.
If only it were weather related. It's cold and wet here!

I could try a non-chicken food, I changed from Gentle because I got some Platinum samples and T went totally nuts for them. If only he had decided to turn all fartybottom at the end of a £25 bag rather than the start ... I might get some yoghurt tomorrow ;)