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Notts + Derby Bend Open

les windle

New Member
Reaction score
Due to the weather situation we have had to cancell the Notts + Derby Open on the 27th of Dec. Hopefully the new date will be Sun. the 30th Jan. 2011. sorry for any inconvenence caused. Just awaiting conformation from the track, Lynda.
not a lot u can do with the way this god damn weather is. lets hope its a bit nicer @ the end of jan :luck:
struggle to keep tracks right and dogs.and its not travelling weather :nuke:

lets hope we get some kinder weather,but it is winter,and a baden at that :rant:
any confirmation on date yet

A slip was put into w news stating the event is to take place at the end of January (30th)

all being well with the track and weather......

I omitted to put one in your copy as it was posted out at a differnt time to the others, my apologies!!!
is omitted another word for forgot (w00t) :lol:

could be hand bags at five yards :- any bets on the winner :unsure:

bit milder up here but ground still frozen, got to harden back up next week (w00t) :rant: (w00t)

lucky folks down country are getting a run into there dogs not up here.

long range forecast 3 to

4 c. not warm, showers :luck:

cross your fingers its ok for the 30 th :luck:
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