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Hi coursing folk(keep the faith , don't give in) Not much being said on this site since we have all been dumbed down by a certain club secretary. (Doubtless ,spies will notify accordingly! ) Anyway, had a brilliant meeting last Tuesday with 4 stakes. Pleased to report that Magic Trick (almost a legend) managed a runners up spot in her stake. Very unlucky not to take the red rosette. Sad to report that I will not be at this years Waterloo as a prestigious 3 day coursing event is planned in whippet land that will be too good to miss should it materialise. Moving on. Am pleased to anounce that (the great) Saucey Madam is well in pup. Swelling nicely and with nipples that Jordan could only aspire to. Went out today and bought a digi' camera and once I have learned how to use it this site will be flooded with views of her ample belly!

The ever happy and counting the days!

Lampingman :cheers:
Hi Lampy,

Glad to hear The Madam is definatly in pup, good luck with her.