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Not In Turmoil Anymore


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Well as of Saturday morning we are the pround owners of Josephine. She is a beardie greyhound whippet cross. 11 months old. Very intellegent, but completely uneducated.

She didn't know her original name (Jess) at all and so as we already have Tess it seemed sensible to change it and she is now learning her new name.

My friend Julie, who runs the rescue, said that the reason she had been handed in was that she wouldn't eat, and certainly she is incredibly thin. However she has eaten everything we have given her with great enthusiasm.

She is very puppyish, LOVES being cuddled and is very inquisitive.

The only real problem is going to the loo. Last night even though we took her out lots and lots of times she wouldn't pee, she hadn't eaten for two days so we didn't expect pick-upables. And eventually, when I was in the bathroom and Hugo was in bed she peed on the hotel carpet :eek: (carpet shampooing bill to follow). She then didn't go again until around mid-day today and hasn't been since. No sign of anything else and given she's eating now, I espect she'll need to go soon. I hope that she'll go in our garden tonight before bedtime :wacko: .
Aw, I'm so pleased for you. Can't wait to hear more news of Josephine... and pics :thumbsup:
My Whippet bitch ( the middle one ) is always difficult about peeing in a new place. The 1st time we went away in the van she went 36 hours, despite the other two dogs going in the pen area. She will be better when she relaxes with you. Good luck with her, any chance of a pic?
:luck: Good luck with Josephine. :luck: Can't wait to see some pics soon. :wub: :wub:
:luck: Good luck with Josephine when we first had William he didn't pee for 2 days I even phoned the vet and asked him what to do he said he would go when he was ready and that night he did when I took him for a walk . It seemed like he was peeing for ages there was a river running down the grass and along the path
:cheers: CONGRATULATIONS :cheers: and good luck with Josephine :luck: :luck:

Looking forward to seeing her :- " pics :- " pics :- "

Oh we deffo need pics! :thumbsup: I like her new name. Which rescue did she come from? :)
Bit of detective work here :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

She is absolutely gorgeous! Did she pee in the hotel when you were not looking? She may have been previously severely punished if she did it in an inappropriate place, and poor thing is just not sure.

On the other hand lot of dogs will not pee when away from home and in some stressful situation. I find that lot of my dogs will not pee when we go to a show for the the first few times. Just this Saturday; we left home about 7.30am and got back about 7pm, Callista did not go all day I took her out of the hall every time the rain eased a little bit, she had a nice run in the exercise yard, did a poo but would not pee. When we got home she raced out in bucketing rain and i watched her through the window peeing and peeing........and peeing

Maybe just let her out in the garden and go back in so she doesn't feel watched :luck:

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Congratulatations on your new family member :cheers: hope everything works out well for you :luck: :huggles:
She is SO pretty!! :wub: :wub:

What do Nana and Tess think of the new arrival?? :thumbsup: :huggles:
LEVS- I am very impressed with your detective work :thumbsup:

Tess who hasn't played with Nana properly for a few months now (far too grown up and superior) has suddenly decided that all she wants to do is play with Nana and Josie is NOT allowed to join in.

Nana seems to be thrilled to have someone equally fast and insane and playful.

They both need LOTS of cuddles :huggles:

THings seem to be going alright though :wacko:
Aww -I love a happy ending, or should that be a new beginning? :blink: :b

Anyway, good luck with Josephine :wub: :luck:
Congratulations - what a lovely addition to the family. :huggles: :wub: :thumbsup:
She's a lovely addition. A decision well made. :thumbsup: :) Good luck with her. :luck:
:cheers: :wub: she's gorgeous :wub: definitly the right decision :thumbsup:
Having just met her in person, I can confirm she's very lovely indeed! Very sweet nature :wub: