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peppermint lady

:huggles: as some of you know we had to have elishas pony pts at easter :'(

it was very sad and we all miss him loads :(

but 2 weeks ago we found elisha a new friend, :cheers: her name is tinkerbel :wub: and i thought you might like to see a couple of pictures :thumbsup:
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on our way home for tea :) , after a ride in the park :sweating:

:thumbsup: :wub:
:wub: Cute as buttons, both of them :wub:
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Sorry about the loss of your other pony how sad :( but Tinkerbell looks adorable :wub: what a lucky little girl she is. :huggles: :thumbsup:
awwww :wub: sorry to hear about ur other horse we had to have 1 pts a couple of yrs ago its heartbreaking :(

heres our new arrival 2day (soz to highjack ur topic :- " ) Jimmy soz bout pic quality it was taken on a mobile

awwwww,bless her,she looks as proud as punch sat on her pony there! :D lovely pony too. :wub:
eve said:
awwww  :wub: sorry to hear about ur other horse we had to have 1 pts a couple of yrs ago its heartbreaking  :(
heres our new arrival 2day (soz to highjack ur topic  :- " ) Jimmy soz bout pic quality it was taken on a mobile

:thumbsup: he is very handsom. my mum had a piebald :wub:
Aww Eve, hes lovely too :wub:
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