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Nose Of Cream Whippet


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Please tell me is this nose of cream whippet nonstandard? In summer it is dark brown. Many judges tell the dog has a lack of pigmentation because of it.

Yes, it's allright according to the standard. I would say that a judge penalising this dog beacuse of the pigmentation of the nose is wrong and they lack enough knowledge.... :angry:

It's the same thing as happens from time to time when judges complain about dogs having eye colour that is lighter than the coat. Perfectly allright according to the standard but still not ok in some judges eyes.... :angry:

Henrik Härling
Do you have to put sunscreen on it in the summer ? or even in the winter :wacko:

We used to have a GSD whose nose went like that in the winter we were told to give him liver as it was thought to be a lack of iron and is called winter nose.We gave him the liver and it went back black. It only ever happened in the winter it stayed black in the summer
playawhile said:
It's the same thing as happens from time to time when judges complain about dogs having eye colour that is lighter than the coat.
do you mean eyes like this :- "

Pipa, I think dorwest herbs do a product to help pigmentation, might be worth a look?

doris said:
playawhile said:
It's the same thing as happens from time to time when judges complain about dogs having eye colour that is lighter than the coat.
do you mean eyes like this :- "

Pipa, I think dorwest herbs do a product to help pigmentation, might be worth a look?

Yes, that I what I meant!! At numerous occasions I'vre heard judges comment on this in whippets entered at shows.
This subject has come up many times on here before,pigment (or the lack of it) and eye color are very personal things and a lot of people have their own opinions on it, I personally prefer black pigment and a dark eye,but that is only my view and is similar to certain people preferring a particular color paint scheme in their I said it is a very personal preference. HOWEVER,it is wrong to penalise a Whippet for not having black pigment or a dark eye in the show ring as it is perfectly acceptable within the standard,so as mentioned by Henrik it is showing a Judges lack of knowledge by penalising the dog for it.
Pipa said:
Please tell me is this nose of cream whippet nonstandard? In summer it is dark brown. Many judges tell the dog has a lack of pigmentation because of it.
There is a difference between lack of pigment (the bits that suppose to be dark are pink) or diluted pigment, and loss of pigment. In this case the dog is diluted brown, and has as others already said "winter nose" which is seasonal but there are many causes for loss of pigment here is a link that may help

It depends on where you are showing and under which standard.
seaspot_run said:
It depends on where you are showing and under which standard.
Yes, but this dog is bred in a FCI country and is shown in FCI countries thus the British standard is the standard in use. Sometimes American judges forget that when judging in Europe, were most contries belong to FCI......
Well, the poster didn't say what country the dog would be shown in.

It's a fault here in the USA and Canada, but not in an FCI country. Of course any judge should read the standard of the country they are judging in and judge accordingly.

The pigment issue rages on here in the USA and it may be that the section on "nose color" will be changed in the near future by the parent club. A standard revision is under discussion.

I've bred several nice creams myself and two of my lines I work with carry this recessive color gene for cream. I would like to see it changed, but until it is, it would be ignorance on MY part not to penalize it when I judge in the USA. That doesn't mean that creams can't win here, because they do, but they have to be just that much better than anything else in the ring with darker pigment.

Here's one of our creams--isn't he charming?

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yes he is! but the camera must have changed his colour a bit cos I thought he looked fawn :- "

oops, wrong photo :oops: :lol:
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Wow, you are quick on the button!

I only had the wrong photo up for about two seconds!

But you are right...THAT one was a fawn and white.
seaspot_run said:
Wow, you are quick on the button!
I only had the wrong photo up for about two seconds!

But you are right...THAT one was a fawn and white.

as with most things in life, its all about being in the right place at the right time :lol:

:sweating: just relieved I got the colour right :cheers:
Many yellow labs have this 'winter nose' and as far as I can tell, do not get penalised for it - it's a common thing?
Thank you to all for the answers and explanation.