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North East Club Results Westerhope And The Rising Sun


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Results from Westerhope *Saturday 30th October 2010* What a lovely morning the sun was shining even though it was a bit nippy.I had an abundance of friends came to see me or did they come to race. Joseph timed in he got 9 yards, he ran well. Jimmy also gave his pup a run up, Trapped fast and ran well[ nice pup.] 1st today was Joyes _*Malone*_. What did I say last week, Jocye would sort him out and she did. He ran well. 2nd today was Daves _*Dillon *_* *He just could not catch Malone but he was right behind all the way. 3rd today was Arthers _*Hells Ann *_What can I say about Bridget, watch out for her next year. She can only get better. Bernie ran *Macspot* against *Hells Ann *but was piped at the post, Bernie next week we need to give less yards away when you run your other dog up, Its still too far in front. *Bound to Dazzl*e ran against *Dillon* in heat two, But was beaten, Kim is a lovely little bitch She too will do well for Arther. _*Levi *_was missing today ,mind you so are a few of his teeth, he left them at the vets. Alan was having a problem getting him to eat. hope hes okay.Yet again he missed the domino card, Not my fault this time he can blame vicky she nicked the last numbers. [ Im not a snitch ] Joyce won the Domino card. Please dont send any begging letters, It was only £ 5.00. Alan and Donna were there with the boys, who I might add forgot to take their sweets home.Alan had his pup *Masie* with him [ Tinkerman and Florence ] What a smart black pup, shinny coat a real show dog. Hope it does well for him. Alan came with his lurcher *Flo.* What a nice dog it loves to have a run. Im missing his Dad and Roly but work has to come first. Hope to see them soon. Too many Alans must have been a popular name years ago. Elaine was their with her partner [ got it right this week ]and her little westie ,loved the pink coat.[ Skoshi must be resting at home] Lar drew the short straw this week it was his turn to clear the leaves, before he pulled the traps.dont know what Id do without him ,Trevour timed the dogs and Alan did the lure. What a team I have , But who was missing , of course it was Russ he was at work.[ They do say there is no party without punch ] we did miss him honest ] Well thats that for this week, sorry if ive missed anyone. Till next time Terry Black reporting.
no write up off me im afraid as i wasnt there. so just results:

heat 1

r- hellsann 1 sc 1st

b - mia 15.5 14 .5

heat 2

r- keep in touch 9 sc

b- dillon 12 3 1st

heat 3

r- bound too dazzle 10 sc 1st

b- umbro tt 10


r- hellsann 1 sc 1st

b- bound too dazzle 10 9 3rd

w- dillon 12 11 2nd