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Non-Ped (Good as Gold) Pictures


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In the general Whippet forum, after some pictures of some North American race dogs were posted, someone pointed out that it appeared the N. American dogs retained some of the non ped bloodlines that were introduced in the eighties (??). Good as Gold was mentioned. Does anyone have any pictures of Good as Gold to share (I have the one that appears in Pauline Wilson's book) but would like to see others if possible. In fact I'd love to see any pictures of your non-ped racers.

This one is a crappy one of Good as Gold that is already on my computer but i will dig out some more :D
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This is a picture of Little Mary (her litter sister was Good as Gold's Mum)
Good as Gold Grandma (Scarback)
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Great pics vicky where did you get them from ..have you any more?
Like the photos Vicky. Not crappy at all. At least you can see the general shape of them. Have you got a pedigree for Good As Gold?
Will pm you Judy :D

The ped should be attached here
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Great pics vicky where did you get them from ..have you any more?
The one of Good as Gold is just from an old whippet news, the other two are original photo's of our families dogs.
This is another of Little Mary (imo) she was a brilliant built little bitch considering how long ago it was!

A copy of this pic was in Pauline Wilsons book Poeta.
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good as gold is out of GOLDEN LINK X CLEO







love the photos vicky keep them coming would love to see any of the all time greats. going back to good as gold you can just see the power in the photo were he s with the boy pulling/excited
Thanks Vicky & Richie for the Good As Gold pedigrees. I have started a database of non ped racing whippets but now I have a problem. I have already got Golden Link in the database but have his dam as being Golden Lass. I got this bit out of Pauline Wilsons book (p48). Are Golden Lass and Miss X the same dog. I realise that dogs may have changed name with changes in ownership. Also Pauline Wilson says there are 2 Blue Smokes (1 is the sire of Jackie, the other is the sire of Jean - see Rearing & racing p49) so which Blue Smoke is the sire of Miss X ?

Helllllllllp!!!!!! :unsure:

Any other pedigrees would be appreciated :thumbsup:
There were two Blue Smoke's (i think pauline wilson explains?), i can't find any parentage for the Blue Smoke who is Miss X's father. I have never come across Golden Lass but will have a look & a word with my grandad & get back to you.

Any chance we can get a look at this database?
Poeta said:
In the general Whippet forum, after some pictures of some North American race dogs were posted,  someone pointed out that it appeared the N. American dogs retained some of the non ped bloodlines that were introduced in the eighties (??).
if one were to travel to any european country (except France), one would see pedigreed whippets that looked like non-peds too.

this has nothing to do with the use of non-ped whippets (Besaps, Mack the Knife, Snowfox, Boys Talk, whatever) in breeding programmes and everything to do with weight restrictions. any system that has weight restrictions results in breeders who have tailored their breeding because of it. the French whippets have a combination weight and height system; their whippets tend to look a little "odd". okay, we'd call them weedy ... they're very tall and thin (proportionally speaking). because of the weight/height system, they go for the tallest whippet they can get within a certain weight limit.

other than size, European race-bred whippets don't look any different than North American race-bred whippets. I showed someone a picture of a very fast (in her day) German racing bitch, Fleet Fellows Fenfire. They assumed she was a British non-ped because of her build. That's nonsense. Non-pedigree racers are not outside the norm. they are the norm, along with the European race-bred whippets and the North American race-bred whippets.

It's easy to target a fast line of pedigreed whippets, saying that they've incorporated non-peds or Irish sprint greyhounds or what have you. but don't think that the North American race-breds have the influence of these dogs because they don't look like British pedigreed racers. there aren't any whippets that look like British pedis!
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jensen said:
Poeta said:
In the general Whippet forum, after some pictures of some North American race dogs were posted,  someone pointed out that it appeared the N. American dogs retained some of the non ped bloodlines that were introduced in the eighties (??).
if one were to travel to any european country (except France), one would see pedigreed whippets that looked like non-peds too.

this has nothing to do with the use of non-ped whippets (Besaps, Mack the Knife, Snowfox, Boys Talk, whatever) in breeding programmes and everything to do with weight restrictions. any system that has weight restrictions results in breeders who have tailored their breeding because of it. the French whippets have a combination weight and height system; their whippets tend to look a little "odd". okay, we'd call them weedy ... they're very tall and thin (proportionally speaking). because of the weight/height system, they go for the tallest whippet they can get within a certain weight limit.

other than size, European race-bred whippets don't look any different than North American race-bred whippets. I showed someone a picture of a very fast (in her day) German racing bitch, Fleet Fellows Fenfire. They assumed she was a British non-ped because of her build. That's nonsense. Non-pedigree racers are not outside the norm. they are the norm, along with the European race-bred whippets and the North American race-bred whippets.

It's easy to target a fast line of pedigreed whippets, saying that they've incorporated non-peds or Irish sprint greyhounds or what have you. but don't think that the North American race-breds have the influence of these dogs because they don't look like British pedigreed racers. there aren't any whippets that look like British pedis!
There are a couple of points here that I'd like to comment on;

Firstly if form follows function then all racing whippets would look the same and would look like English non-peds. It is probably fair to say that a lot of non UK racing pedigrees do resemble UK non-peds more than Uk pedigree whippets. However lots of non UK show types resemble UK pedigree show types.

The UK pedigree racers do not look like UK non peds even though they are often bred generation after generation specificaly to race and race to the same format as UK non peds.

I don't think it's unreasonable to say that UK whippets, both ped and non ped have had a large influence on the breed world wide.

To say that the difference in types between racing types and UK peds has nothing to do with non ped/greyhound breeding is rather more difficult to prove. Beesap lines almost certainly did enter racing strains and those dogs that were/ were thought to be derived from the strain were more succesful than the indiginous types.

Boys Talk and Snow Fox did not go abroad for no reason and correspondance with USA racers would indicate they have been used at stud and their offspring are succesful - which would not be suprising.

Breeders with a fast line of dogs that do owe something to non ped breeding are not going to admit such if it disqualifies them from a racing body.

I don't believe that pedigree stock can compete with non ped/greyhound crosses as far as racing is concerned. Racing non ped bred dogs against pedigree's is pointless. You either race pedigrees or non peds. There is no glory in beating peds with non peds.

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