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No10 Petition: Mandatory Health Tests Kc Dogs


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Now The Kennel Club has been exposed as using hidden agendas to hide the fact it has been active for decades in causing the greatest, long term, canine welfare problems of all time in the UK by promoting the deliberate breeding of disease into pedigree dogs, supporting the culling of healthy pups and keeping the diseased dogs alive to breed instead no more time can be lost to cut the pain and suffering KC registered dogs suffer daily and in their millions.

Please sign the petition to Gordon Brown, below, to make health testing mandatory for KC registered pedigree dogs.

For those who are not aware, EVERY working breed registration club in mainland Europe has had mandatory fit for breeding tests for decades. One part of the full test for ALL working breeds in Europe, imposed by their breed registration clubs, is that they are tested for many of the known hereditary disorders the specific breed is pre-disposed to, if the dog does not reach the required minimum of the test (eg 'non dysplastic') a fit for breeding licence is refused and the dog cannot be bred from and its litter registered as pedigree dogs with the breed registration club

In order to stop the inhumane pain and suffering it is necessary to remove the cause, namely, KC control and bring in legislation. The link to the No10 petition is below and below that is a link to aYoutube site and a video playlist with the full BBC documentary 'Pedigree Dogs Exposed'-please pass the petition link around to as many people as possible.

Petition for mandatory health testing

Video, BBC Documentary 'Pedigree Dogs Exposed'

Denis Carthy

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