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No Pedigree - Can I Show My Dog?


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I have a 15 month old whippet dog, Ten - his mother is a rescued? whippet with no papers and his father apparently a racing whippet from a breeder in Hartlepool.

When i bought my boy he was five weeks old - at that time i never imagined i'd ever own a whippet let alone want to show him!, so never thought to ask about the fathers credentials etc.. I've not managed to get in touch with the people that sold me my dog - they may have moved? - anyway i'm still trying...

Is there anyway i can show my dog in whippet classes or if i can trace his fathers heritage can i have him registered?...

I really have no clue about these things!! Ten and i would really appreciate any advice you can offer.

Thanks, Moo. :)
you got him at five weeks old :unsure: wow thats YOUNG! I know kittens can goto new homes at 6 weeks but i didn't think dogs could be ready to leave there mother until at least 8 weeks, :wacko:

and sorry I can't help you with the showing bit, but I'm sure someone else on here will, :luck: and welcome to the forum Moo :thumbsup:

would love to see pic's please of your whippies :D
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I'm Norwegian, and not familiar with the Kennel Club registration policies, but I doubt you could have your dog registered. In most countries it requires that both parents are registered and that the appropriate paperwork is completed for the entire litter.

I agree that five weeks is way too young for a pup to leave its mother. Experts disagree on what is the right age, but I don't think anyone recommends anything younger than eight weeks.

As for kittens, I believe most experts these days actually agree they should be at least twelve weeks before leaving for their new home.
I've heard about registering as a working? or agility? dog, does the same thing apply? and coud he enter show classes the? ( he is very pretty!)

We went to a little charity show a few months ago for a look around, we got talked into doing a few novelty classes & ten loved all the attention and won four rosettes!! he even had ago on the agility course!

I've been looking on the net for clubs in our area but not managed to find a great deal of info on the different types of activities whippets can take part in.

Yes, i agree on the age thing too - i think eight weeks is the usual.

Ten is from a litter of 10 and unfortunately his mother had been struggling to feed all the pups herself, so the vet had pescribed rest for mum a powderd milk replacement and weaning for pups.

I chose him at 5 weeks and was called to pick him up less than a week later due to the above problems with mum.

He's the first pup i've ever had, and needed so much love!! He was a greedy little monkey, very bright and very cheeky!!

I taught him to go toilet in a litter tray while he was still too small to go in the garden - admitedly this was a bit hit and miss! :blink:

He's still very much the same now, just bigger and toilet trained!

It took me five years to actually commit to getting a dog, it seemed like such a huge responsibility. i've had a cat for years, they look after themselves...

Ten has changed my life completely and so much for the better -i wish i'd got him years ago! :wub:

Ten having a paddle - he does like a good swim but is not keen on waves!

This is ten at around 3 months with his aunt josie :huggles:

he is gorgeous!!! :wub: and good on you for taking on such a tiny pup and acting mummy :thumbsup: proberly saved his life!
Still don't know about registration in the UK, but I know your dog is gorgeous! So happy to hear he's found a good home with you after such a rocky start.

BTW, if you might be interested in racing, why not post on the non-ped racing section on K9 (if you haven't already done so). I'm not an expert, but he does seem to be the right build (slightly lighter than the average show/coursing bred whippets)

Best of luck with all your future endeavours!
Hi Moo

Your boy is gorgeous and you have obviously done a great job rearing him.

My advice to you would be to contact the Kennel Club or equivalent where you live who should be able to provide you with information on buying a dog, why a purebred, what registered actually means and what it allows you to do with your dog.

Each country has different regulations but I think you'll find a dog must be registered (a pedigree registered with the canine control and each dog on the pedigree will have a unique number - and often the colour noted) before you can show.

Here in Australia dogs (either unregistered purebred or crossbreds) can apply for Supplementary Registration. This allows them to compete in trials - agility, obedience, etc and gain titles. They cannot compete in the show ring.

There are many activities that you and Ten can be involved in. Contact your local whippet club who I'm sure will help you out.

If you are still interested in showing, go to a few local shows and you never know, in a year's time you may be posting your successes in the ring on to this list.

Good luck.
One of the UK K9'ers will see this soon and give you the reply you need but I'm quite sure you won't be able to show him at KC shows.

However I'm not sure about the companion dog shows that happen over there - I think non-peds are allowed in those ....

You're right though -he is very lovely to look at. :p

Perhaps racing/coursing might be the avenue for you to pursue, there are some lovely k9'ers on the racing forums that will be very keen to help you get started.

Otherwise - if showing is what you really want to do, you might just have to get a little pedigreed friend for Ten! Everyone says one whippet is never enough :D

Anyhow - welcome to k9 and keep posting pics of your lovely boy and telling us his stories!
I dont show at all so cant tell you .. but he is a gorgeous dog.Smashing pictures. :wub: :cheers:
To be perfectly honest, you haven't got a snowball's chance in hell of getting him registered with the English KC if his mother was unregistered. You will be able to show him at Companion shows as you can enter on the day and dogs do not need to be KC registered. Any other show that has to be pre-entered is unavailable to you.

Don't know about agility but assume dogs do not have to be KC registered as you get mongrels competing!!
Thankyou all for your advive and lovely comments about Ten! :D

i suppose he'll just have to keep his posing for the camera...

I've put a post on the non-pedigree racing board to find out about it.

Ten does love running, i think he'd rather just play with the other dogs in a club though :wacko:

Thanks again, Moo & Ten :)
Ten is gorgeous but unfortunately you will not be able to get KC registration for him if his mum is not registered. However there are lots of things for him to do, obedience, agility, companion dog shows and non pedigree racing and lure coursing, I am sure he will find something there that you will both enjoy. Good luck with him.
Hi Moo & the gorgeous Ten :wub:and welcome to K9 :thumbsup:

Although you can't show Moo at open/ch shows,you can have a lot of fun at companion shows with him.If you get Dog world or Our dogs,you will find out where the shows are being held.There's loads to choose from all over the country & they often have agility & obedience classes as well!

Of course,you could always get Moo a companion who is kc reg. :- " One whippet is not enough!!!! :)
He's a lovely looking dog, Moo. What a wonderful shiny coat, and such a happy face. I like him!!!
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Hi Moo Uk

You boy is absolutely lovely, you have done a good job with him.

5wks is very very young for a pup to leave its mother and litter mates and I can't understand why any breeder would let a pup go at that age even if the mother was having problems feeding.

We had bitch who had a pup born by C section who did not have any milk and rejected him at birth so I hand reared him from day one. Even if it had been a litter of 10 there is no way any of them would have been going anywhere until they were at least 8-10wks old. Hand rearing IS hard work but also very rewarding and you do get VERY attatched to the pups.

You look as if if you did an excellent job with him you should be proud of yourself!

Good luck with the companion shows or what ever you decide to participate in with him :luck: :luck:
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Well, we are going to go over to Newton Aycliffe racing club next week (if i can grt the day off work! :unsure: ), and see what Ten Thinks of it all. He will probably just want to leap on and lick everyone! :wacko:

As for getting another lil' whippy - its all just too tempting! all the pictures of little fat bellied pups on this site..... :b ...maybe one day - if the cat allows it!

Ten and his little, big sister Pai.

Hi moo, ten looks gorgeous, my friend has a whippet type dog that looks very like ten that isnt registered, i dought you would ever be able to show him in pedigree registered shows as he would def need to be registered & both parents need to be kc registered before ten could be registered, but if you really would prefer showing him up against other whippet type dogs, there are lots of gamefairs & country fairs all over the uk in the summer time that have lurcher shows and some lurcher clubs have whippet or whippet type classes at there shows and you def dont need to be registered to enter them because my friend & i go to them all the time & she showed her dog in a whippet class & it won, so you should try that, and most of the time they do lure racing aswell which is great fun. :)
Ten and his little, big sister Pai.

What a pair they make!

How far away from you is the Tsunami Appeal Companion Dog Show that Beejay has advertised here - could you get to that one? Looks like lots of classes that Ten could be eligible for and sounds like heaps of fun!