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No New Club


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I think the results on the poll clearly demonstrate that there is not enough support for a new club, at least not on the forum. It was worth doing it, just to find out.

Hmmmmmmmmm a bit confused here Jan. There are very few IG people who use this site but those that do have voted for a new club. If they are representative of the general feeling out there then I would say that it is a resounding yes to a new Club.

I shouldnt think the whippet folk care one way or the other if there was another IG club so wouldnt vote anyway.The only way to get a true feel would be to open it up to all IG people. Perhaps the IG Club themselves might like to do a poll?

I have to say that the majority of people I have spoken to would support a new club.

Since resigning as Chairman of the IG Club I have been asked to look at starting up a new club but time is a factor and if I do something I want to give it 100%.
Yes, I see what you mean, Jan. I didn't think of it that way. I'll keep digging for the moment then. :oops:
Could you post a 'manifesto'? Am considering re-joining a/the IG club, but am a bit out of touch with the issues and would like to make an informed choice.

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:blink: Oo Er! The main reason, according to the various people I know and have spoken to is that lots of folk are fed up with the way in which people who have a different opinion and voice that opinion feel that they are unfairly regarded by the management of the existing club. For instance I believe that like any other breed Iggies should be allowed to do those things that come naturally, such as play and run free, because due regard has been taken to breed dogs with good bone without being coarse. However, that view is seen is a definite no no by some members of the 'old guard' who still apparently have a lot of influence within the club generally and the committee. Then there is the current situation regarding the legacy left to Mrs Julia Smith (see previous posts for more info). Politics seems to play an immense part in the existing club.

My manifesto (and this is only my view) would be that an alternative club would give people a freedom of choice as one of the principal objectives would be to promote enjoyable shows and the responsibilities that go along with that. Additionally, for people to be allowed to hold different opinions and not be castigated for expressing that opinion. I personally do not want to go to a show where I feel that I cannot have or hold an opinion which differs from those running the club.

Currently I record the IG bulletin, for visually impaired members and I am more than happy to do that because it is a contribution I can make which does not involve politics. Where there are items included that are the current 'hot potatoes' I read them and do my best not to pass comment on them. I enjoy doing the recordings and from feedback given to me by the editor the members who have received the tapes have enjoyed it also. Naive maybe, but that for me, is what being involved is about, having fun yourself and enjoying it with others. On other occasions I have stewarded at both Open and Champ shows, again another contribution to the breed activities I can make which are both enjoyable and non-political.

Not sure it is a manifesto, certainly is an opinion. I'm sure others on the forum will have an opinion too, which is good cos healthy debate with differing views and opinions can only be good.
That sounds complicated! My sympathies, I'm the editor of the Runner Duck Assoc Newsletter (breakaway unit from the RD Club, due to similar problems an intransigent 'old guard') and we have awful cttee meetings at shows where the other side turn up and argue over politics. :(

I used to be a member of the IG club in the 70s and 80s, I don't remember any discussion of health issues back then ( maybe the memory's going...) My support would certainly be for a club that promotes Iggies as proper little hounds that should have the freedom and health to behave as such.

Moriarte, as you are in Oxfordshire you must come over one weekend and meet my lot and Alfies. Whippys, lurchers and Iggies, couldnt be better, Jan
Oh you must visit Jan's Iggy/Whippy/Lurcherville!!!! Wish I could again soon :wub:

It's pure heaven (and keep your mouth closed coz that boy Teddy knows how to snog a person when they're not looking (w00t) )
Teddy is with a new family in Durham. He has an ex racing greyhound and a two poodles as companions. Plus a little girl of his own who he adored on sight. Plus Nan and Grandad who live next door, with Lulu the poodle. He has only been there a week but seems to have settled well. Hopefully his new family will be joining us on K9 at some point.
well, just to add to the "visiting Jan's" subject, it is very nice to meet the canine gang while having a cuppa (or something stronger, depending on the time of day), however don't take your kids - whenever I do they end up nagging me for another dog. We've got 4 now and that is enough for any family, but then I did say that after 2 and after 3!

View attachment 10284
Jan Doherty said:
Moriarte, as you are in Oxfordshire you must come over one weekend and meet my lot and Alfies. Whippys, lurchers and Iggies, couldnt be better, Jan
Whoops, missed this somehow, maybe I was in Wales! How rude of me! Yes, I did meet Liz and Norman last week :thumbsup: And the sweetest little fawn Iglet. Yes, that would be very nice sometime!

All the best,

janfiers said:
:blink: Oo Er!  The main reason, according to the various people I know and have spoken to is that lots of folk are fed up with the way in which people who have a different opinion and voice that opinion feel that they are unfairly regarded by the management of the existing club.  For instance I believe that like any other breed Iggies should be allowed to do those things that come naturally, such as play and run free, because due regard has been taken to breed dogs with good bone without being coarse.  However, that view is seen is a definite no no by some members of the 'old guard' who still apparently have a lot of influence within the club generally and the committee.  Then there is the current situation regarding the legacy left to Mrs Julia Smith (see previous posts for more info).  Politics seems to play an immense part in the existing club.
My manifesto (and this is only my view) would be that an alternative club would give people a freedom of choice as one of the principal objectives would be to promote enjoyable shows and the responsibilities that go along with that.  Additionally, for people to be allowed to hold different opinions and not be castigated for expressing that opinion.  I personally do not want to go to a show where I feel that I cannot have or hold an opinion which differs from those running the club.

Currently I record the IG bulletin, for visually impaired members and I am more than happy to do that because it is a contribution  I can make which does not involve politics.  Where there are items included that are the current 'hot potatoes' I read them and do my best not to pass comment on them.  I enjoy doing the recordings and from feedback given to me by the editor the members who have received the tapes have enjoyed it also.  Naive maybe, but that for me, is what being involved is about, having fun yourself and enjoying it with others.  On other occasions I have stewarded at both Open and Champ shows, again another contribution to the breed activities I can make which are both enjoyable and non-political.

Not sure it is a manifesto, certainly is an opinion.  I'm sure others on the forum will have an opinion too, which is good cos healthy debate with differing views and opinions can only be good.

With regards to the commitee and ig club members thinking that the dogs should be resticted in their exercise/playing - i am a club member and the shared owner of our affix is on the commitee - our dogs run free daily in the park or at the woods, they chase squirrels/birds etc and act as any normal sight hound! They also do agility and have just started to compeate at agility shows, so i think a lot of generilisation has been used in the above statement.
fountainn said:
janfiers said:
:blink: Oo Er!  The main reason, according to the various people I know and have spoken to is that lots of folk are fed up with the way in which people who have a different opinion and voice that opinion feel that they are unfairly regarded by the management of the existing club.  For instance I believe that like any other breed Iggies should be allowed to do those things that come naturally, such as play and run free, because due regard has been taken to breed dogs with good bone without being coarse.  However, that view is seen is a definite no no by some members of the 'old guard' who still apparently have a lot of influence within the club generally and the committee.  Then there is the current situation regarding the legacy left to Mrs Julia Smith (see previous posts for more info).  Politics seems to play an immense part in the existing club.
My manifesto (and this is only my view) would be that an alternative club would give people a freedom of choice as one of the principal objectives would be to promote enjoyable shows and the responsibilities that go along with that.  Additionally, for people to be allowed to hold different opinions and not be castigated for expressing that opinion.  I personally do not want to go to a show where I feel that I cannot have or hold an opinion which differs from those running the club.

Currently I record the IG bulletin, for visually impaired members and I am more than happy to do that because it is a contribution  I can make which does not involve politics.  Where there are items included that are the current 'hot potatoes' I read them and do my best not to pass comment on them.  I enjoy doing the recordings and from feedback given to me by the editor the members who have received the tapes have enjoyed it also.  Naive maybe, but that for me, is what being involved is about, having fun yourself and enjoying it with others.  On other occasions I have stewarded at both Open and Champ shows, again another contribution to the breed activities I can make which are both enjoyable and non-political.

Not sure it is a manifesto, certainly is an opinion.  I'm sure others on the forum will have an opinion too, which is good cos healthy debate with differing views and opinions can only be good.

With regards to the commitee and ig club members thinking that the dogs should be resticted in their exercise/playing - i am a club member and the shared owner of our affix is on the commitee - our dogs run free daily in the park or at the woods, they chase squirrels/birds etc and act as any normal sight hound! They also do agility and have just started to compeate at agility shows, so i think a lot of generilisation has been used in the above statement.

I disagree that there is a lot of generalisation in the opinion I gave. There are lots of us out there who hold similar views and experience and have served on the IG committee at one time or another, so they have first hand experience. Put it this way because of my views I am aware that whilst I will not be "black balled" so to speak by the IG Club I will most certainly be forgotten when it comes to any support for judging appointments. And as there is only one club then it seems very unlikely I shall ever be asked to judge a club show. And no, that was not the reason for considering starting a new club. We are (or are supposed to be) a democratic society and it's better to ask the questions first rather than go headlong into something which will fall at the first hurdle.

:rant: Just for the record, I AM NOT STARTING A NEW CLUB. If people want to find out what my opinion is why don't they ask ME rather than getting a distorted view second, third or fourth hand from people who have never spoken to me about it and have gone about making some very incorrect assumptions.

As I write my Iggies are out in the sunshine having a good game of tug with their rope toys, but then I suppose someone out there will castigate me for letting them play with rope toys which might harm their teeth!

Teed off about people doing whispering campaigns etc, you bet I am.

If I go to a club show either as an exhibitor, spectator or steward, I just want to be able to enjoy the occasion, not having to wonder 'who is sticking the knife in' just because I have voiced an opinion rather than kept it to myself and counting the black looks I am given.
janfiers said:
fountainn said:
janfiers said:
:blink: Oo Er!  The main reason, according to the various people I know and have spoken to is that lots of folk are fed up with the way in which people who have a different opinion and voice that opinion feel that they are unfairly regarded by the management of the existing club.  For instance I believe that like any other breed Iggies should be allowed to do those things that come naturally, such as play and run free, because due regard has been taken to breed dogs with good bone without being coarse.  However, that view is seen is a definite no no by some members of the 'old guard' who still apparently have a lot of influence within the club generally and the committee.  Then there is the current situation regarding the legacy left to Mrs Julia Smith (see previous posts for more info).  Politics seems to play an immense part in the existing club.
My manifesto (and this is only my view) would be that an alternative club would give people a freedom of choice as one of the principal objectives would be to promote enjoyable shows and the responsibilities that go along with that.  Additionally, for people to be allowed to hold different opinions and not be castigated for expressing that opinion.  I personally do not want to go to a show where I feel that I cannot have or hold an opinion which differs from those running the club.

Currently I record the IG bulletin, for visually impaired members and I am more than happy to do that because it is a contribution  I can make which does not involve politics.  Where there are items included that are the current 'hot potatoes' I read them and do my best not to pass comment on them.  I enjoy doing the recordings and from feedback given to me by the editor the members who have received the tapes have enjoyed it also.  Naive maybe, but that for me, is what being involved is about, having fun yourself and enjoying it with others.  On other occasions I have stewarded at both Open and Champ shows, again another contribution to the breed activities I can make which are both enjoyable and non-political.

Not sure it is a manifesto, certainly is an opinion.  I'm sure others on the forum will have an opinion too, which is good cos healthy debate with differing views and opinions can only be good.

With regards to the commitee and ig club members thinking that the dogs should be resticted in their exercise/playing - i am a club member and the shared owner of our affix is on the commitee - our dogs run free daily in the park or at the woods, they chase squirrels/birds etc and act as any normal sight hound! They also do agility and have just started to compeate at agility shows, so i think a lot of generilisation has been used in the above statement.

I disagree that there is a lot of generalisation in the opinion I gave. There are lots of us out there who hold similar views and experience and have served on the IG committee at one time or another, so they have first hand experience. Put it this way because of my views I am aware that whilst I will not be "black balled" so to speak by the IG Club I will most certainly be forgotten when it comes to any support for judging appointments. And as there is only one club then it seems very unlikely I shall ever be asked to judge a club show. And no, that was not the reason for considering starting a new club. We are (or are supposed to be) a democratic society and it's better to ask the questions first rather than go headlong into something which will fall at the first hurdle.

:rant: Just for the record, I AM NOT STARTING A NEW CLUB. If people want to find out what my opinion is why don't they ask ME rather than getting a distorted view second, third or fourth hand from people who have never spoken to me about it and have gone about making some very incorrect assumptions.

As I write my Iggies are out in the sunshine having a good game of tug with their rope toys, but then I suppose someone out there will castigate me for letting them play with rope toys which might harm their teeth!

Teed off about people doing whispering campaigns etc, you bet I am.

If I go to a club show either as an exhibitor, spectator or steward, I just want to be able to enjoy the occasion, not having to wonder 'who is sticking the knife in' just because I have voiced an opinion rather than kept it to myself and counting the black looks I am given.

Better make it quite clear that I have never served on the IG Club committee.
Jan F - you go girl!

Maybe I didn't read it right from the start, cos I thought the point you were making was that some people might want an alternative to the more 'serious' type of club, and showing, and IG care - they might want something more aimed at fun and companionship and running around

what do I know?
well this is just my opinion for what its worthand btw i have no axe to grind,i dont own iggies,and no longer show,judge or breed.i think one breed club gives too much power to a small amount of people who can influence a breed for better or worse.i think competition is healthy for any breed,so i think another breed club would keep the other club on its toes and not allow them to become complacent.i speak from experience of seeing a breed club inviting people to judge who would be more likely to put up committee members dogs and return the favour by inviting the committee members to judge too.i have seen a committee member judge a show and put up every dog entered by a fellow committee member,even in one class where the dog wouldnt allow the judge to examine it and wouldnt walk round the ring but was half strangled as they tried to drag it won the class to all the other exhibitors situations like this the exhibitors quickly become disillusioned and may leave the breed for one that has more healthy competition.if however there is another breed club,one that maybe is being SEEN to be for the exhibitors, then the breed may not lose exhibitors, but they can CHOOSE which show and which committee they want to patronise ;)
janfiers said:
janfiers said:
fountainn said:
janfiers said:
:blink: Oo Er!  The main reason, according to the various people I know and have spoken to is that lots of folk are fed up with the way in which people who have a different opinion and voice that opinion feel that they are unfairly regarded by the management of the existing club.  For instance I believe that like any other breed Iggies should be allowed to do those things that come naturally, such as play and run free, because due regard has been taken to breed dogs with good bone without being coarse.  However, that view is seen is a definite no no by some members of the 'old guard' who still apparently have a lot of influence within the club generally and the committee.  Then there is the current situation regarding the legacy left to Mrs Julia Smith (see previous posts for more info).  Politics seems to play an immense part in the existing club.
My manifesto (and this is only my view) would be that an alternative club would give people a freedom of choice as one of the principal objectives would be to promote enjoyable shows and the responsibilities that go along with that.  Additionally, for people to be allowed to hold different opinions and not be castigated for expressing that opinion.  I personally do not want to go to a show where I feel that I cannot have or hold an opinion which differs from those running the club.

Currently I record the IG bulletin, for visually impaired members and I am more than happy to do that because it is a contribution  I can make which does not involve politics.  Where there are items included that are the current 'hot potatoes' I read them and do my best not to pass comment on them.  I enjoy doing the recordings and from feedback given to me by the editor the members who have received the tapes have enjoyed it also.  Naive maybe, but that for me, is what being involved is about, having fun yourself and enjoying it with others.  On other occasions I have stewarded at both Open and Champ shows, again another contribution to the breed activities I can make which are both enjoyable and non-political.

Not sure it is a manifesto, certainly is an opinion.  I'm sure others on the forum will have an opinion too, which is good cos healthy debate with differing views and opinions can only be good.

With regards to the commitee and ig club members thinking that the dogs should be resticted in their exercise/playing - i am a club member and the shared owner of our affix is on the commitee - our dogs run free daily in the park or at the woods, they chase squirrels/birds etc and act as any normal sight hound! They also do agility and have just started to compeate at agility shows, so i think a lot of generilisation has been used in the above statement.

I disagree that there is a lot of generalisation in the opinion I gave. There are lots of us out there who hold similar views and experience and have served on the IG committee at one time or another, so they have first hand experience. Put it this way because of my views I am aware that whilst I will not be "black balled" so to speak by the IG Club I will most certainly be forgotten when it comes to any support for judging appointments. And as there is only one club then it seems very unlikely I shall ever be asked to judge a club show. And no, that was not the reason for considering starting a new club. We are (or are supposed to be) a democratic society and it's better to ask the questions first rather than go headlong into something which will fall at the first hurdle.

:rant: Just for the record, I AM NOT STARTING A NEW CLUB. If people want to find out what my opinion is why don't they ask ME rather than getting a distorted view second, third or fourth hand from people who have never spoken to me about it and have gone about making some very incorrect assumptions.

As I write my Iggies are out in the sunshine having a good game of tug with their rope toys, but then I suppose someone out there will castigate me for letting them play with rope toys which might harm their teeth!

Teed off about people doing whispering campaigns etc, you bet I am.

If I go to a club show either as an exhibitor, spectator or steward, I just want to be able to enjoy the occasion, not having to wonder 'who is sticking the knife in' just because I have voiced an opinion rather than kept it to myself and counting the black looks I am given.

Better make it quite clear that I have never served on the IG Club committee.

My main priorities as an ig owner, is to make sure my dogs get the best quality of life they can have. Showing is most definetly a plus point and always comes second to my dogs being pets. I was just making a point that not all members of the IG club believe that the dogs should not be able to run/play and act as any other dogs! I most certinly do not want to make enemies within the italian world and would be very happy if all the back stabbing etc would stop, and then maybe we could all enjoy our lovely beautiful breed together.
kris said:
well this is just my opinion for what its worthand btw i have no axe to grind,i dont own iggies,and no longer show,judge or breed.i think one breed club gives too much power to a small amount of people who can influence a breed for better or worse.i think competition is healthy for any breed,so i think another breed club would keep the other club on its toes and not allow them to become complacent.i speak from experience of seeing a breed club inviting people to judge who would be more likely to put up committee members dogs and return the favour by inviting the committee members to judge too.i have seen a committee member judge a show and put up every dog entered by a fellow committee member,even in one class where the dog wouldnt allow the judge to examine it and wouldnt walk round the ring but was half strangled as they tried to drag it won the class to all the other exhibitors situations like this the exhibitors quickly become disillusioned and may leave the breed for one that has more healthy competition.if however there is another breed club,one that maybe is being SEEN to be for the exhibitors, then the breed may not lose exhibitors, but they can CHOOSE which show and which committee they want to patronise ;)