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No More Nicky Doggy Stuff


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Firstly id like to say a [SIZE=21pt]HUGE THANK YOU [/SIZE]to all who bought my stuff :huggles: :cheers: ,as the title say thou i have decided to stop making doggy stuff as i have a few things going on at home at the moe ,il will put the odd bargins up now and again when i buy stuff to make my lot and have some left over :D and il still be on k9 just as much :- " i will also be doing all the orders iv already been paid for :thumbsup:

[SIZE=21pt]id also like to say thank you to the peeps that have pmd me in the last week you know who you are :huggles: your kindness and support has been a godsend thank you so much guys [/SIZE]
Just wanted to say good luck and hope to see your goodies back really soon. :thumbsup: :huggles:
I hope you get yourself sorted Nicky :huggles:


What will our dogs do :(
Oo. Famous Nickynicky. Atleast i can look at that pink bed you made us and think how proud we are of you and your hard work labouring making all these things. :)

good luck nicky form everyone here!!

we will all miss the goodies lots and lots and lots and lots and lots andlots and lots and lots..ect.

jade xx
:* :huggles: :* :huggles:

you know where i am :* :huggles:
aww thanks everyone for the pms and replies on here ,youve brought tears to my eyes ,luv ya all :huggles: :huggles:
[SIZE=14pt]nicky we luv ya babe,and we will always be here for ya[/SIZE] :huggles:
Oh I`m sorry to read this. I wish you all the luck in the world Nicky. :)
Sorry to hear this Nicky :(

Wishing ya all best in future hun n u know where i am if ya need me :huggles: xx
Really hope you get it all sorted, Nicky :luck: :luck: :luck:

Jinny & Ella want you to know that they treasure their blankets and snuggle sacks and the cats thinks their radiator bed covers are the best!

It'd be nice if you could do a few things again one day .... I'll keep my fingers crossed, hun :thumbsup:

In the meantime, hang in there girl :sweating: I haven't been on here much lately 'cos of work so I'm kind of puzzled about stuff but reckon I've got the drift of things so just wanted to add my voice to everyone elses for you :huggles: :huggles:

Love to Tia, Blue and Ollie as well, xxx
Very sorry to read this Nicky,... I do hope everything works out for you... :luck: :luck: and you are back with your goodies very soon. :thumbsup:

Good luck, :luck:
Sorry you're having probs Nicky... Hope everything works out :luck:

Pauline & Ruby
Sorry you have decided to give up :(

We have had lots of nice stuff off you :thumbsup:

Good luck for the future :luck: :luck: :luck:
Thank you Nicky for making such beautiful things for our dogs. I alwys get comments about Murphy's collar so whenever you decide to start making things I'm sure you will get lots of business.

I hope thing are not too bad for you.

Luv Jess, Murphy and Ellie
Sorry to hear things are not brill for you at the moment :( I am not up to speed with whats been going on, but I hope things look up for you soon. Solly loves the snuggle sack that you made for him, we shall miss you, but look forward to you coming back again :thumbsup:

Take care :huggles:
Sorry to hear to that Nicky :(

Thanks for my collars :cheers:

thanks everone :huggles: i wont be leaving k9 so youl still see lots of me, just not doing much of the sewing ,thanks for all your kind pms and words :huggles:
Hope your back very make so many lovely things :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: