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no limit's


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why is it no limits dont get much said about them,as there seems to be quite alot knocking about and more on their way.... take the bwra straight champs for instance, how many heats was there.
people with the big dogs pay the same money and work just as hard with their dogs as anyone else does.i get in from work at 4.30 by the time ive walked and done everything else theres to do with the dogs its 6.30 or later
I hear what your saying Neil about the big dogs it seems that they never get the recognition they deserve, do you think the fact that the majority of reporters WN, Fed & BWRA having handicap dogs has anything to do with it.    

In WN Whippet Hall of Fame do 40lbers & No Limit dogs get stars??
i know what you mean vicky ive spoken to quite a few no limit racers who think the way they get treated makes them wonder why they bother,and i agree with them, as ive often thought about packing in and just doing a bit of greyhound racing instead. its not just the small dog owners who keep the sport or hobby going.
Maybe Neil some people don't actually recognise them as true whippets. I for one often feel quite embarrassed saying that Kipper is a whippet when people out walking stop to ask about the dogs, even though his parents were quite small and so were all his siblings.Maybe they would be more accepted on the greyhound and lurcher scene! I don't think personally that it is anything to do with those reporting as my husband Steve always included Kipper in his reports even when Kipper didn't deserve a mention!

We also spend alot of time with Kipper, we train him on the beach, he chases Harry on his motorbike.

Why don't you ask Chris if you can begin a No Limit column in the Whippet news? Karen
The thing that narked me off about scratch racing(soapyjoe 40lb and hobgoblin 36lb) was the 1 run only!at most opens, especially on the bends I've been and there have been 2or3 heats and then other occasions there are solo's or 2 doggers!!!!!!.

I think some racers attitude is, is that if you want to race big dogs go greyhound racing!!! but not all of us, me included don't want to race small dogs, I like 30lb+ dogs:cheesy:
Sorry Karen when i wrote about the reporters i meant the poeple who do the open reports.

What i was trying to get at was because they race against good handicap dogs week in week out the dogs they have been beaten by are noticed more and reported on there excellent racing ability, that's how i see it anyway.  
how many non peds havent got greyhound in them
Neil don’t no limit dogs pay more to run and yes they should have the same amount of credit and don’t people say that the best whippets come from the next mating of a half cross.
I would put a lot of money on the fact that no non-peds have no greyhound in them, their is probably only the odd few that wouldn't have greyhound in their 5 generation pedigree but have further back, the rest would all have it in their 5 generations pedigree.

I know what Karen mean about feeling odd saying that she has got a whippet (kipper), my biggest whippet is 35lb and when people question me out on a walk i just say he's a whippet cross greyhound (he's not) but sometimes it's easier than trying to explain it to people.
with my big dogs I get asked if its a baby greyhound!!!!!
I would have loved a No Limit or scratch dog (jealous little me :p ), but as our pup grew we found she would race between 23-25lbs (boo-hoo :( , but oh well I love her anyway). I was dissapointed as I love scratch events and I would be so proud to saunter up the track knowing I owned one of those formiddable "big uns" that was about to make it's way down the track at double or even triple pace. I love to see them all muscling in and "fighting" for a place at that front line, I love to see them pile in after the lure. Now thats what I call a real race, not like these (no offence to the little dudes) 16-18lbers who look like tiny little spots running down an airy field with lots of space. Not exactly something to get the heart racing.

              Oh well...thats my bit said :p


                                      luv Fleesh.
I like my big dogs....but I would'nt be so keen on having anything too huge, I personally like 30-40lbers :p .

soapy joe was a 40lber and hobgoblin is a 36lber but is a bit porky at the mo after having pups(or should i say pup!!! ??? ), so we did run her no limit at straight champs, but she looked tiny in comparison to the others   ???

hopefully my pup should be between 32-35lb, which isa ideal for me.

see you all later and good luck those of you who have/are venturing north
:p Just been going through old pages on this forum and found this. Of much interest to me having a scratch dog. I loved Fleeshs outlook on the big uns (as she put it) got to say how much I agree.. I love the scratch racing all off levels makes for a great race. Always been interested in it not just coz Ive got a scratch dog (well 2 now) lol. I wonder if the idea of having a scrarch column in the whippet news is a good one. I'm sure I could think of something to write about the big uns :lol: What do u all think? There will be a few of them about this year too. :cheers:
Go for it girl Youve just been awarded top reporter this year so heres another challenge for you. I love to watch the big dogs run they look so masterful in full stretch. took the big fellow to Easington yesterday gained another 2 yards but for got to stop when the lure stopped. went straight into the wall thought he would of nocked himself out but he just shook his head and still wanted the lure. has a cut on his back foot but not to serious cant wait to get him going.I didnt go out to have a big dog he was advertised as not going to be big haha he is now 53lb his mother was half greyhound but his dad was only 26lb so you never know what your going to end up with But i love him to bits. Woody
yeah ive done the 200 odd mile round trip when i first started with jacko in the 36lb class one run and away we go back home but then some times it can be the same with the heavyweights 2 runs and thats it but the other side to it is you get to meet old mates for the crack. and a beer :cheers:
no offence to the little dudes) 16-18lbers who look like tiny little spots running down an airy field with lots of space. Not exactly something to get the heart racing.

Oh well...thats my bit said


I disagree here fleesh, :oops: when you have an 18lber racing against the likes of Sup RCH Swift aquire a title gets more than your heart racing i can assure you...... :p

I do not see a problem with giving the" big uns " recognition, it's a good idea to start a scratch column off , go for it sherry..... :thumbsup:
Excellent idea Sherry!

A scratch column to inc. 36lb /40lb and No Limit would be even better.

Personaly i prefer middle weights and daz prefers light weights, just our choice. There isnt many heats for the big dogs because there hasnt been that many around , but this year there has been quite a few bigger litters so the competition should get better. Its probably because the no limit dogs have been to big for the straight traps, so you wont see them, only on the bends.
I like to see the big uns race and the little uns, i do close my eye's though when big uns race and the pull up is small.. :p
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