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Nnwrf Bend Champs - Podcast


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I've uploaded a podcast for the bend champs for a bit of fun. It's the best of a bad bunch, it took ages, switch the recorder on and i can't speak, now i know how Gareth Gates feels, Vicky doesn't help keep laughing all the time. hope you enjoy :thumbsup:

Brilliant!! Pmsl @ john calling the ducks!!!

Thanks for doing this Mark, great fun and really got me excited about the champs.

Best of luck everyone, hope you all have a brilliant day and the dogs come home sound :luck:
Well done Mark, really enjoyed that :thumbsup:
I've uploaded a podcast for the bend champs for a bit of fun. It's the best of a bad bunch, it took ages, switch the recorder on and i can't speak, now i know how Gareth Gates feels, Vicky doesn't help keep laughing all the time. hope you enjoy :thumbsup:
brilliant mark :thumbsup:
not been to any bend racing and really enjoyed that mark it was brill :thumbsup: hope your doing 1 after champs :thumbsup:
Absolutely brilliant Mark.

A new career in the offing if you chose to go for it. The comments and sense of humour were great. I enjoyed every minute of it. Well done

realy enjoyed listening Mark, hiding nothing with Twinklebelle shes been mated :wacko:
just listened to this, love it ... my housemate is slightly confused by it however :p
very good mr warren especially enjoyed the bit about mr corden!!
nice one,dont think your far off with your tips.hope you get ONE wrong :thumbsup:

lenny legs might go 31 :lol: bentley might be ok if i get all the cotton wool off terrible stuff to get off :thumbsup:

good luck to all for sunday going to be some cracking races.