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Nintendo Ds


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After searching the country for 2 day's now,and being out the price of one of these thing's already,in phone call's alone.Could i ask all you nice people,if you know anywhere over there ,where one of these could be purchased,as Alannah has decided that this is her Number 1 Santa request,as of a few day's ago.With her not keeping well,due to the diabetes,we would so much like to find one for her.Seen them on ebay,at twice the normal price,but we are afraid of getting burned,as my dad has been roasted twice,in as many month's.Would appreciate any help,(ie,shop name's ,or number's). We are off to Londonderry,at 6am tomorrow morning,to try and get one,but apparently,we'll have to join a big que,at the only shop in the country,that has a few coming in before Christmas.(And she want's it to be pink).Guess a tin of paint too then,if we're one of the lucky one's. ...Billy...
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I hope you find one i had this trouble last Chrismas

i had to find one in pink and one in white :)
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Somebody at my work has just got a pink one, try this place. has them in stock 24 hour despatch
Just like to thank everyone for their help on here.We left home at 6 am this morning,and drove 30 odd mile's to que up outside a shop called GAME,in Londonderry.We were 3rd in the que,and when we got into the shop,(as they were only letting in ,in 2s)we were shocked to find out that although we could have one,(IN PINK),we could only have it,if we took the biggest package,which meant with 3 game's.Well they had the game's alright,but we would have to come back at 4.30pm,for the console,as it did'nt arrive with the game's,in case of a robbery or summit,as people were doin their head's in trying to get these thing's.Anyway,if it meant going back at 4.30am next morning,i did'nt care,as Alannah is the only one left in the house for Santa,and as i said,Santa would try to move mountain's,if the need arrose.Any folk's,a big thankyou,and a merry Christmas to you all. ...Billy...
billyboy45 said:
Just like to thank everyone for their help on here.We left home at 6 am this morning,and drove 30 odd mile's to que up outside a shop called GAME,in Londonderry.We were 3rd in the que,and when we got into the shop,(as they were only letting in ,in 2s)we were shocked to find out that although we could have one,(IN PINK),we could only have it,if we took the biggest package,which meant with 3 game's.Well they had the game's alright,but we would have to come back at 4.30pm,for the console,as it did'nt arrive with the game's,in case of a robbery or summit,as people were doin their head's in trying to get these thing's.Anyway,if it meant going back at 4.30am next morning,i did'nt care,as Alannah is the only one left in the house for Santa,and as i said,Santa would try to move mountain's,if the need arrose.Any folk's,a big thankyou,and a merry Christmas to you all.    ...Billy...
hi billy :thumbsup: where is londonderry is it near derry. (w00t) (w00t)
(w00t) Youre a good un Billy :thumbsup: Hope your wife and Alannah are both feeling better after their accidents :) and that you have a very merry christmas too :thumbsup:

to hear she is getting her pink ds!! think we would all move mountains to please our kids dont you billy :huggles:
fra said:
billyboy45 said:
Just like to thank everyone for their help on here.We left home at 6 am this morning,and drove 30 odd mile's to que up outside a shop called GAME,in Londonderry.We were 3rd in the que,and when we got into the shop,(as they were only letting in ,in 2s)we were shocked to find out that although we could have one,(IN PINK),we could only have it,if we took the biggest package,which meant with 3 game's.Well they had the game's alright,but we would have to come back at 4.30pm,for the console,as it did'nt arrive with the game's,in case of a robbery or summit,as people were doin their head's in trying to get these thing's.Anyway,if it meant going back at 4.30am next morning,i did'nt care,as Alannah is the only one left in the house for Santa,and as i said,Santa would try to move mountain's,if the need arrose.Any folk's,a big thankyou,and a merry Christmas to you all.    ...Billy...
hi billy :thumbsup: where is londonderry is it near derry. (w00t) (w00t)

It's been Londonderry since long before i was born Frankie,as you well know.Now it goe's under Derry/Londonderry,to please some folk who wanted the name changed.Wonder what would happen if people wanted Belfast changed to Fast,or Bel.Anyway Frankie,dont like the road you're traveling on mate,as thing's like that dont turn me on .To some it will alway's be Derry,and some Londonderry,no matter what their religion.My next door neighbour call's it Londonderry,and he's same as you,and was reared there.My dad call's it Derry.So there you go.Anyway,hope you Nic,& the baby are keeping well Frankie,and wish you a merry Christmas,and happy new year.
That was a joke Billy nothing sinistar intended. :*

billyboy45 said:
fra said:
billyboy45 said:
Just like to thank everyone for their help on here.We left home at 6 am this morning,and drove 30 odd mile's to que up outside a shop called GAME,in Londonderry.We were 3rd in the que,and when we got into the shop,(as they were only letting in ,in 2s)we were shocked to find out that although we could have one,(IN PINK),we could only have it,if we took the biggest package,which meant with 3 game's.Well they had the game's alright,but we would have to come back at 4.30pm,for the console,as it did'nt arrive with the game's,in case of a robbery or summit,as people were doin their head's in trying to get these thing's.Anyway,if it meant going back at 4.30am next morning,i did'nt care,as Alannah is the only one left in the house for Santa,and as i said,Santa would try to move mountain's,if the need arrose.Any folk's,a big thankyou,and a merry Christmas to you all.    ...Billy...
hi billy :thumbsup: where is londonderry is it near derry. (w00t) (w00t)

It's been Londonderry since long before i was born Frankie,as you well know.Now it goe's under Derry/Londonderry,to please some folk who wanted the name changed.Wonder what would happen if people wanted Belfast changed to Fast,or Bel.Anyway Frankie,dont like the road you're traveling on mate,as thing's like that dont turn me on .To some it will alway's be Derry,and some Londonderry,no matter what their religion.My next door neighbour call's it Londonderry,and he's same as you,and was reared there.My dad call's it Derry.So there you go.Anyway,hope you Nic,& the baby are keeping well Frankie,and wish you a merry Christmas,and happy new year.

Hey Stuart, cant you take a joke :lol: :- "
fra said:
billyboy45 said:
fra said:
billyboy45 said:
Just like to thank everyone for their help on here.We left home at 6 am this morning,and drove 30 odd mile's to que up outside a shop called GAME,in Londonderry.We were 3rd in the que,and when we got into the shop,(as they were only letting in ,in 2s)we were shocked to find out that although we could have one,(IN PINK),we could only have it,if we took the biggest package,which meant with 3 game's.Well they had the game's alright,but we would have to come back at 4.30pm,for the console,as it did'nt arrive with the game's,in case of a robbery or summit,as people were doin their head's in trying to get these thing's.Anyway,if it meant going back at 4.30am next morning,i did'nt care,as Alannah is the only one left in the house for Santa,and as i said,Santa would try to move mountain's,if the need arrose.Any folk's,a big thankyou,and a merry Christmas to you all.    ...Billy...
hi billy :thumbsup: where is londonderry is it near derry. (w00t) (w00t)

It's been Londonderry since long before i was born Frankie,as you well know.Now it goe's under Derry/Londonderry,to please some folk who wanted the name changed.Wonder what would happen if people wanted Belfast changed to Fast,or Bel.Anyway Frankie,dont like the road you're traveling on mate,as thing's like that dont turn me on .To some it will alway's be Derry,and some Londonderry,no matter what their religion.My next door neighbour call's it Londonderry,and he's same as you,and was reared there.My dad call's it Derry.So there you go.Anyway,hope you Nic,& the baby are keeping well Frankie,and wish you a merry Christmas,and happy new year.

Hey Stuart, cant you take a joke :lol: :- "

If it was a joke then i appologise Frankie.Oh,by the way,it's Stewart.Ha ha.