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Nina And Tanya

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Hi, two very knowledgable people in the world of italian greyhounds and respected by me if thats worth out, why you 2 cant see eye to eye beats me

keith :cheers:
keith i love ya babe :huggles: :huggles:

i still have a lifetime of learning ahead about them but boy am i having fun with them :huggles:
Keith, its in the hands of the Moderators, i'm sure they have the technical know how to check peoples email address in some way.

Best leave it to them now.
nina said:
Keith, its in the hands of the Moderators, i'm sure they have the technical know how to check peoples email address in some way.
Best leave it to them now.

Thats fine by me Nina, let me just say this, if god strikes me down dead this very minute, it never entered my head it was you under a false name.

keith :cheers:
At the end of the day I think it's a fair comment to say Nina and Tanya have differing opinions over a subject they're passionate about, that's fine with me. However what really irritates me is the little side kicks who go jumping to defend, offering nothing of worth to a debate apart from sticking in some arsey remark.
Oh for God's sake!!!!!!

We don't all see eye to eye in this world and nor do we have to either! Who cares if they get on or not????

One thing I will say though...if Nik had something to say,you can bet your bottom dollar she would say it AND under her own name too! She does not need to hide behind any false ones.
Think I'll close this topic as it serves no real purpose and is almost guarenteed to start a fight.
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