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Nightmare Groomer


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My poor boy has been scalped by an incompetent groomer. I have a 5 year old male Orange Roan Show Type Cocker Spaniel. My dog had been to this groomer a one before just for a bath a brush out. this time however I asked if she would give him a light trim but not to touch his tail and his fluffy top on his head and please never ever put him in a cage. I dropped him off on Friday at 10.30am and was told to collect at 12.30 pm. I arrived early at about 12.15pm and could hear my poor boy crying before I even got out the car. I rushed in through the gate and could hear my dog was very distressed. When the groomer spotted me she waved her hand at her assistant who bent down to open a cage and my dog shot out like a missile.....I was fuming and that was before I even had a chance to look at him.. I was devastated. She had shaved him all over and I mean all over, she even cut off his eye lashed and shaved his eyebrows. One of his front legs was shaved practically to the skin were obviously no guard had been put on the clippers. And to top it all she had put him in a cage when I told her under no circumstance was she to do that....….I went ballistic and all she could say was "O it will grow" then had the damn check to ask me if I wanted her to book him in for 10 weeks time, I can't repeat what I said. He is not a happy boy, he looks like a completely different dog but not in a good way and he looks so sad....what would you do in the situation? I have atached a before and after photo so you can clearly see i'm not exaggerating. I posted this story on another dog forum site but received some very nasty cruel comments so please if you cannot be supportive please don't comment, I don't need more up...thank you
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Oh poor little soul :( he does look fed up with it all. Why can’t they listen to what you ask for? :mad: And to think you’d even consider taking him back again! I’ve had a couple of groomers where my Springer was messed about and was really down for quite a few days after, had one trim her nail so short it cut the quick and bled for ages, we put our trust in these groomers and hope they’re sufficiently qualified ...obviously a few are not ! And did you have to pay for the privilege of having him traumatised? :(
Why on earth would anyone make nasty comments? :( I'm sure you won't get any here.

I don't use groomers so I don't know what you should do about the groomer, but just wanted to say that you need to make sure your cocker doesn't pick up on you feeling bad every time you look at him. He's had a traumatic experience which he needs to get over. He doesn't care what he looks like, but he will pick up on how you feel when you look at him.

Is there a professional body for groomers?
Wow, that is extreme! If you're unhappy I would find a different groomer. There are many around these days including us who do not use cages, only have one person's dog(s) on the premises at a time and only have the dog there for the amount of time it takes to groom them, therefore reducing stress. We always ask what the clients want before grooming and sometimes double check to be sure we know exactly what we're doing. The only times we would clip a dog short all over is if the owner wants that or if the dog is really matted, which I'm sure he wasn't, he looks lovely in the before! I like the clip all over look, but that is scalped indeed, I don't blame you for being angry. Do some research on the internet and see if you can find any good groomers in your area. I hope you can find one that suits you.
Oh poor little soul :( he does look fed up with it all. Why can’t they listen to what you ask for? :mad: And to think you’d even consider taking him back again! I’ve had a couple of groomers where my Springer was messed about and was really down for quite a few days after, had one trim her nail so short it cut the quick and bled for ages, we put our trust in these groomers and hope they’re sufficiently qualified ...obviously a few are not ! And did you have to pay for the privilege of having him traumatised? :(
Thank you for your positive reply...Although I brush him every day which is likes and keep an eye on the essentials like between his toes, ears, nails ect there are times when because of his coat ( or coat he had) I do like him to have a nice groom, because I am disabled I am not able to give him a bath which he does need as all dogs do. I had a fantastic groomer up in London before I moved to Hampshire who was absolutely lovely, no cages and only one dog at a time, my dog used to love going there. It would be a day out now for me to take him back but quite honestly would be worth it. Yes I did pay her the £45 pounds but reluctantly, I didn't want to be seen as the one in the wrong.
Why on earth would anyone make nasty comments? :( I'm sure you won't get any here.
I had people saying things like " get over yourself you are over reacting, it will grow back & what does it matter what he looks like" and even putting photos of them selves on with their head shaved. not the response I had hope for.
I don't use groomers so I don't know what you should do about the groomer, but just wanted to say that you need to make sure your cocker doesn't pick up on you feeling bad every time you look at him. He's had a traumatic experience which he needs to get over. He doesn't care what he looks like, but he will pick up on how you feel when you look at him.
Why on earth would anyone make nasty comments? :( I'm sure you won't get any here.

I don't use groomers so I don't know what you should do about the groomer, but just wanted to say that you need to make sure your cocker doesn't pick up on you feeling bad every time you look at him. He's had a traumatic experience which he needs to get over. He doesn't care what he looks like, but he will pick up on how you feel when you look at him.

Is there a professional body for groomers?

Is there a professional body for groomers?
Thank you for your positive response...Although I brush him every day which he likes and keep an eye on the essentials like his paws, between his toes, ears, nails, and clean his teeth ect there are times when because of his coat ( or coat he had) I do like him to have a nice pampering, Because I am disabled I am not able to give him a bath which he does like and need as all dogs do. I had a fantastic groomer up in London before I moved to Hampshire who was absolutely lovely, no cages and only one dog at a time, my dog used to love going there. It would be a day out now for me to take him back but quite honestly would be worth it.
Oh my word... I doubt I would have been able to restrain myself..Even from your photo the patchyness and unevenness of the clip are obvious .. His back leg has a run much shorter than the rest.
Go to your local trading standards or trading association and complain to them if this person is doing this more often they need to know they might also be able to advise on any further steps you can take.
Also any professional assoiciation if this groomer is supposed to be qualified. If you think your dog needs to be re-groomed or have some kind of damage limitation from this you could claim on the groomers public liabilty insurence (that is if they have any) lastly...if the groomer gets nasty about refunding you or paying for a new groomer and you feel there has been financal loss,( you can start with the £45 youve paid) you could go to small claims court. An online application only costs £25 for claims up to £300

As for nasty comments ,I cannot understand why anyone would target you for that you went to what should have been a professional groomer they messed up not you..

Lastly @JudyN had some good points in her post, please try not to let your dog pick up on how you feel about this and try to make the next grooming session a happy fun experience.
Wow, that is extreme! If you're unhappy I would find a different groomer. There are many around these days including us who do not use cages, only have one person's dog(s) on the premises at a time and only have the dog there for the amount of time it takes to groom them, therefore reducing stress. We always ask what the clients want before grooming and sometimes double check to be sure we know exactly what we're doing. The only times we would clip a dog short all over is if the owner wants that or if the dog is really matted, which I'm sure he wasn't, he looks lovely in the before! I like the clip all over look, but that is scalped indeed, I don't blame you for being angry. Do some research on the internet and see if you can find any good groomers in your area. I hope you can find one that suits you.
Wow, that is extreme! If you're unhappy I would find a different groomer. There are many around these days including us who do not use cages, only have one person's dog(s) on the premises at a time and only have the dog there for the amount of time it takes to groom them, therefore reducing stress. We always ask what the clients want before grooming and sometimes double check to be sure we know exactly what we're doing. The only times we would clip a dog short all over is if the owner wants that or if the dog is really matted, which I'm sure he wasn't, he looks lovely in the before! I like the clip all over look, but that is scalped indeed, I don't blame you for being angry. Do some research on the internet and see if you can find any good groomers in your area. I hope you can find one that suits you.
The thing is I thought I had done my research before taking my dog to this groomer. She was actually highly recommended by another groomer who was fully booked and have since found out they are sisters. I told the grooming exactly what I wanted doing when I arrived and told her NOT to put him in a cage under any circumstances. She has blatantly lied to me about not using cages and that she only had one dog in at a time....she had at least four dogs in cages all barking and stressed when I went to pick my boy up. Had I known this I would never ever have taken my dog there.
You need to write all of this clearly in a letter or email of complaint and send it with a request for the refund and / or compensation. Keep any response , dont accept phone calls from her they cannot be used as evidence.
Oh my word... I doubt I would have been able to restrain myself..Even from your photo the patchyness and unevenness of the clip are obvious .. His back leg has a run much shorter than the rest.
Go to your local trading standards or trading association and complain to them if this person is doing this more often they need to know they might also be able to advise on any further steps you can take.
Also any professional assoiciation if this groomer is supposed to be qualified. If you think your dog needs to be re-groomed or have some kind of damage limitation from this you could claim on the groomers public liabilty insurence (that is if they have any) lastly...if the groomer gets nasty about refunding you or paying for a new groomer and you feel there has been financal loss,( you can start with the £45 youve paid) you could go to small claims court. An online application only costs £25 for claims up to £300

As for nasty comments ,I cannot understand why anyone would target you for that you went to what should have been a professional groomer they messed up not you..

Lastly @JudyN had some good points in her post, please try not to let your dog pick up on how you feel about this and try to make the next grooming session a happy fun experience.
You need to write all of this clearly in a letter or email of complaint and send it with a request for the refund and / or compensation. Keep any response , dont accept phone calls from her they cannot be used as evidence.
I understand what you are saying and do appreciate your kind advice but no amount of money can put right what this woman has done....I'd like to see her closed down or am I being a bit harsh..
No you are not being harsh and thats where trading standards come into it. Small claims can simply refund whats yours and of course should she continue trading it leaves a mark that she has had a judgement against her.
No you are not being harsh and thats where trading standards come into it. Small claims can simply refund whats yours and of course should she continue trading it leaves a mark that she has had a judgement against her.
Thank you, at the moment I am concentrating on making sure he gets over his ordeal, lots of love and cuddles and making an extra fuss of him. hopefully he will get over it but I doubt I ever will. I think my next step will be to think about taking a processional grooming course and do him myself.
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Poor lad - how on earth did she manage to cut his eyelashes (and why for that matter)? But while the cage seems to have been a nasty experience, as others have said at least he will neither know nor care what he looks like.
Poor lad - how on earth did she manage to cut his eyelashes (and why for that matter)? But while the cage seems to have been a nasty experience, as others have said at least he will neither know nor care what he looks like.
I know, luckily he is not a poser lol I just hope his coat grows back to how it was.
The thing is I thought I had done my research before taking my dog to this groomer. She was actually highly recommended by another groomer who was fully booked and have since found out they are sisters. I told the grooming exactly what I wanted doing when I arrived and told her NOT to put him in a cage under any circumstances. She has blatantly lied to me about not using cages and that she only had one dog in at a time....she had at least four dogs in cages all barking and stressed when I went to pick my boy up. Had I known this I would never ever have taken my dog there.

I don't noubt that you did your research, sometimes you just don't know what a place/service will be like until you experience it yourself. You should at least get your money back I think, it's not what you asked for, you're paying for a service and if you're not happy you are entitled to a refund, just like with buying products.

Thank you, at the moment I am concentrating on making sure he gets over his ordeal, lots of love and cuddles and making an extra fuss of him. hopefully he will get over it but I doubt I ever will. I think my next step will be to think about taking a processional grooming course and do him myself.

It's a great idea to groom him yourself, that's a good solution which can also save you money in the long run, as well as saving him the stress. Many owners choose to do the same.
This is a terrible story. I had a bad experience when I first took Misty to a groomer and they rang me to ask me to pick her up half way through. They had given her a wash and blow dry, but had only attempted bits of trimming before giving up! She had patches all over, and had been shaved completely between her eyes, she looked ridiculous :eek: I was only charged half price.
I bought clippers and a table and have done her hair ever since. It may not be a perfect job, but she is happy enough.
I know it’s no consolation but his fur will grow back, and if he’s anything like my ‘half’ a Spaniel it will be very quick.
I would definitely write a letter of complaint to them and Trading Standards. Hopefully it will make them change their ways in the future.
Oh poor chap - that is a horrible cut and to crate him when you specifically said not to is unforgivable.

Groomers seem to be everywhere nowadays. I have the choice of at least 10 locally but I take Harri to one that is 90 minutes drive away because she does a number of Welshies and I know she'll strip him properly.

(A surprisingly large number of groomers won't take Welshies - clipping is quicker than stripping (but ruins the coat) and they are not the most acquiescent of clients! Rosko got through a number or groomers before we found one that could cope with him and he was far from aggressive)
Oh poor chap - that is a horrible cut and to crate him when you specifically said not to is unforgivable.

Groomers seem to be everywhere nowadays. I have the choice of at least 10 locally but I take Harri to one that is 90 minutes drive away because she does a number of Welshies and I know she'll strip him properly.

(A surprisingly large number of groomers won't take Welshies - clipping is quicker than stripping (but ruins the coat) and they are not the most acquiescent of clients! Rosko got through a number or groomers before we found one that could cope with him and he was far from aggressive)
My boy used to go to a groomer in London and he used to practically drag me through the door he loved it so much so it isn't as if he was not used to being groomed, I was always told how easy he was to groom, very laid back and really enjoyed his pampering time...This woman wants shooting after what she did, yes unforgivable and no doubt my boy is not the only dog to have had such a bad time with her.
This is a terrible story. I had a bad experience when I first took Misty to a groomer and they rang me to ask me to pick her up half way through. They had given her a wash and blow dry, but had only attempted bits of trimming before giving up! She had patches all over, and had been shaved completely between her eyes, she looked ridiculous :eek: I was only charged half price.
I bought clippers and a table and have done her hair ever since. It may not be a perfect job, but she is happy enough.
I know it’s no consolation but his fur will grow back, and if he’s anything like my ‘half’ a Spaniel it will be very quick.
I would definitely write a letter of complaint to them and Trading Standards. Hopefully it will make them change their ways in the future.
I have got the whole kit, other that a proper grooming table..all the necessary brushes, combs, two sets off clippers you name it we have it...but I have always been a bit dubious about clipping him myself but now I see I could never do a worse job than this groomer has..I am just hoping that his fur does not grow back think and woolly which is what I have been told could happen. as you can see from the photo before he was scalped he had a gorgeous coat and always well brushed. I still love him to bits though even though he does look like a meercat