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Seeing as how you seem to be extremely busy at the moment, im offering my services as you personal labourer :lol: you have seen my handywork in the past of how i keep jill in the most up to date doggy attire :lol: , so wotya say, i will even keep us going in pot noodles, oh and perhaps i could even knock up my longjohns

keith :cheers:
now there's a offer you can't refuse Nicky (w00t)
midlanderkeith said:
Seeing as how you seem to be extremely busy at the moment, im offering my services as you personal labourer :lol:   you have seen my handywork in the past of how i keep jill in the most up to date doggy attire :lol: , so wotya say, i will even keep us going in pot noodles, oh and perhaps i could even knock up my longjohns                      keith  :cheers:

theres lovely, isnt it :lol:
(w00t) wish you lived closer keithy as id seriously take you up on that offer you any good at cutting out :- " (w00t)
Nicky please dont let Keith do my girls collar's.............i've seen

some of poor Jill's outfits :p
AnnSa said:
Nicky please dont let Keith do my girls collar's.............i've seensome of poor Jill's outfits  :p

(w00t) just had a rethink and a look back at some of sexymammas doggy attire and i think youd put me outa buissness keith :lol: love ya really hun :*
nicky12 said:
AnnSa said:
Nicky please dont let Keith do my girls collar's.............i've seensome of poor Jill's outfits  :p

(w00t) just had a rethink and a look back at some of sexymammas doggy attire and i think youd put me outa buissness keith :lol: love ya really hun :*
Oh how very rude and dissapointed i am :lol: what about the balacalave i knocked up for her, topic wotya think, surely this weather that type of headwear is appropriate, only the finest material was used and you gotta amit i have an imagination and flare

please reconsider :lol:


keith x
midlanderkeith said:
nicky12 said:
AnnSa said:
Nicky please dont let Keith do my girls collar's.............i've seensome of poor Jill's outfits  :p

(w00t) just had a rethink and a look back at some of sexymammas doggy attire and i think youd put me outa buissness keith :lol: love ya really hun :*
Oh how very rude and dissapointed i am :lol: what about the balacalave i knocked up for her, topic wotya think, surely this weather that type of headwear is appropriate, only the finest material was used and you gotta amit i have an imagination and flare

please reconsider :lol:


keith x

Annsa put the mockers on it for me :lol: id be very interested on other peoples views on my handywork
It was the thought of the balaclava that had me worried
can i please order a balaclava for gypsy pink if you have it :- "
midlanderkeith said:
midlanderkeith said:
nicky12 said:
AnnSa said:
Nicky please dont let Keith do my girls collar's.............i've seensome of poor Jill's outfits  :p

(w00t) just had a rethink and a look back at some of sexymammas doggy attire and i think youd put me outa buissness keith :lol: love ya really hun :*
Oh how very rude and dissapointed i am :lol: what about the balacalave i knocked up for her, topic wotya think, surely this weather that type of headwear is appropriate, only the finest material was used and you gotta amit i have an imagination and flare

please reconsider :lol:


keith x

Annsa put the mockers on it for me :lol: id be very interested on other peoples views on my handywork

Well Keith,all I can say is some of the gear you have made Jill are really Errr UNIQUE :- " :lol:
:lol: that poor sexymamma need to come live with me id make her loads of PINK stuff :- " :wub: :huggles:
pmsl.....................go on Ann, give him a slap (w00t) (w00t)
Which one :lol:
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