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Hi all, just joined up and hoping to meet some fellow hikers who can give me some advice! I have a gorgeous Harrier Hound called Lola who is seven months now :) after a year I'm going to start taking her on some thru-hikes across Scotland, bagging a Munroe or two along the way! Anyone got some advice that might help? Or reccomendations on kit or routes that they've done with their four legged pals? Better yet, does anyone own a harrier hound?

Thanks, Matt.
The main advice I have is, I'm afraid, to let her joints mature before you try anything too strenuous. The 5 minutes exercise per month of age rule has its critics but even though many people relax it to a degree, a Munro for a 7 month old dog could cause quite a lot of stress on her undeveloped body.
a Munro for a 7 month old dog could cause quite a lot of stress on her undeveloped body.

I think the OP is planning to do this once she's a year old:)

Welcome! She's gorgeous. I've no advice to offer, apart from that even after a year she still would need to build up her fitness gradually.
welcome @MattAndLola - sounds like you have some great adventures planned together!
The main advice I have is, I'm afraid, to let her joints mature before you try anything too strenuous. The 5 minutes exercise per month of age rule has its critics but even though many people relax it to a degree, a Munro for a 7 month old dog could cause quite a lot of stress on her undeveloped body.

Thanks Joanne, yes I'm waiting until she's a year to try anything too strenuous, I've had her out on smaller day hikes with easier terrain and already she's showing huge amounts of stamina but I'm being careful not to overdo it!!