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New server


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The server upgrade that I have been promising should happen this week. I've paid for the new server and the hosting company is doing a fresh install of the operating system before it goes live. I'm just waiting for them to advise me that they're ready to go - but as long as they don't run into any problems that should be Monday or Tuesday

The new server should fix the 'Server busy' messages I'm sure you've been experiencing. Unfortunately there will unavoidably be a period of down time (probably one or two days) while the nameserver addresses are changed again. I'm hoping this will be the last time I have to disrupt the site for a while.

I will post another message when I have some better idea about the specific downtime.
K9 Community will be moved to the new server within 24/48 hrs.

I have just requested the nameserver addresses to be changed so the move is underway. This site will be closed at 10.30 PM Friday February 1- That's today.

You may get a period when your browser returns a site not found error over the next day or so. All posts, registrations etc will be copied over, so when the new server is on-line everyone should be able to carry on as normal - except hopefully without server busy errors   ;) .

Thanks for you patience - hopefully this will be the last move for quite a while...