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I have just started taking the girls over a playing field that is even closer

that the beach, here are a few pictures from this morning. The colour isn't

that good in a lot of them as it was a bit dull when we first got there at 5 am :lol:
















Tala's not very good with her reading yet.....

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Stop the Pigeon

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Well that will make a change for them having grass between there toes :lol:

What have you done with K , shes no where to be seen ? :unsure:
K sleeps in Daisy's room Trish, i didnt want to wake her by trying

to get K out of the room. So i left her and Daisy took her down to

the beach when she got up :thumbsup:
K sleeps in Daisy's room Trish, i didnt want to wake her by tryingto get K out of the room. So i left her and Daisy took her down to

the beach when she got up :thumbsup:

your lucky to get out of the house without her causing a right din :lol: my would go crazy if they knew they was going to be left, you have yours well trained :thumbsup:
Dont think Ive ever seen your gang on grass Ann :lol: apart from at the racing or shows... :thumbsup:

Blimy you can see how scorched off that grass is with the heat too.

Love the one of Tala where she shouldnt be... :lol: and chasing the pigeon.

(Btw I was still in the land of nod at 5 am... (w00t) )
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No Dogs Allowed? pmsl :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

........ should add "between the hours of 7am and midnight" :p

It looks like the beach anyway with that grass so brown and dry!!!!

Bet they had grand time running around there :thumbsup:
I have just started taking the girls over a playing field that is even closerthat the beach, here are a few pictures from this morning. The colour isn't

that good in a lot of them as it was a bit dull when we first got there at 5 am :lol:

A lot of photographers struggle to get up that early to capture the special early morning light, myself included. I quite often set my alarm for that time when i'm on holiday but immediately switch it off and turn over back to sleep. :lol:


I'm impressed with your dedication Ann. I bet your girls all enjoyed their early morning run on grass :)
Great pics Ann,a lovely time for dog walking :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Great pictures of your girls, they look like they are having a fantastic time! They always look so happy and full of energy :huggles: Love the picture of Tala behind the sign lol. I don't think i'd be able to get up so early, Penny either - neither of us are early morning people lol.
Love the piccies Ann....nice park you have there...ours is full of crap that the teenagers leave behind !!
Its fairly clean Helen, the girls like getting to the skate bit as there is

always empty bottles and crisp packets oh and the new highly desirable

treat........chewing gum :wacko:


But as i said its not to bad, a few idiots leave their dog muck behind but

then some always have to spoil it for the rest of us :angry:
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all looking fit and lovely...hope Tala didn't practise her golf and fishing casting as well!!
She cant Clair.....i've taken away her clubs and maggots

because she tore a leg of a bear that didn't belong to her ;)
Great pics as usual Ann - Zana looks so like her Mum :thumbsup:

Talking of early mornings - our Woody was amazed to be woken and walked at 4.00am on Saturday but then he went to Blackpool and won his class bless him, but he did snooze in the car all the way ;)

Tala is coming along nice Ann (w00t)