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i am please to annouce we have had (tilly) what a game mated to RCH navada,pups due 9th april

this was a good mating thanks to jake and mary

fingers crossed now


:sweating: :sweating: :sweating:
Good luck Donna hope every think goes well :thumbsup:
two weeks left and tilly is getting bignow, you can see them moving around am well excited

good luck with th pups to be . theh should be great
tilly really uncomfortable now wont be long

if any intrest please email me or ring

got a phone call while i was at work tilly had started when i got there she was half way though she has had 6 puppies both mum and pups are doing really well so really miss match colours

dog 1 white with blue patch on shoulder

dog 2 blue

dog 3 white with one blue spot

bitch 1 white and blue

bitch 2 brindle

bitch 3 white

cant believe how good she is as a new mum

hopfully i can get some pictures on
got a phone call while i was at work tilly had started when i got there she was half way though she has had 6 puppies both mum and pups are doing really well so really miss match colours

dog 1 white with blue patch on shoulder

dog 2 blue

dog 3 white with one blue spot

bitch 1 white and blue

bitch 2 brindle

bitch 3 white

cant believe how good she is as a new mum

hopfully i can get some pictures on
Well done Tilly six pups :thumbsup: . Nice even amount of each.
Well done Tilly, best of luck with these pups :luck:
Pleased to hear mum and pups are fine good luck with them all

bett and Melissa
sadly we lost two last night, a dog and a bitch but the rest doing well
