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New Mating


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Just got back from Geoff n Hazel's thanks for all your help with the mating of Ollie (Sugar fire X Big Connections) X Maggie's Lass (Jack the lad X Maggie) really hope its worked and all goes to plan. Pups should be due 30th june :thumbsup:

Ollie is litter brother to Sugar Daddy , Pennysworth etc

Maggie's Lass is litter sister to Jack Junior , Burnt Sugar , Almost Bobs etc
Goodluck Darren will be good strong pups :luck: ;)
:luck: Good luck Darren & Sarah :thumbsup:

Will be nice if they are born on 30th June because it's Jack's(Jack the Lad) birthday :))

Should be a great litter :thumbsup:
Good luck Darren and Sarah, Ruby and Ollie, Im sure they'll be cracking pups. Uncle Teddy (Pagan Bear) sends lots of :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: to his sister Ruby :)
How;s Ruby doing?

Not long now :sweating: :luck:
How;s Ruby doing?Not long now :sweating: :luck:

Ruby is doing great and she has just successfully deliverd 9 healthy pups (w00t) 3 bitchs and 6 dogs all early hours of this morning :thumbsup: 3 fawn 2 of which are dogs all the rest are black all solid strong pups

been up all night but well worth it :)) :thumbsup:
How;s Ruby doing?Not long now :sweating: :luck:

Ruby is doing great and she has just successfully deliverd 9 healthy pups (w00t) 3 bitchs and 6 dogs all early hours of this morning :thumbsup: 3 fawn 2 of which are dogs all the rest are black all solid strong pups

been up all night but well worth it :)) :thumbsup:
Great news :thumbsup: ,can't wait to see them now :))

Well done Ruby :wub:

An early 8th birthday present for Grandad Jack :lol:
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Congratulations Daz and Sarah. So glad it all went well.We wish you all the luck in the world with them :luck: , I hope they are all champs for you. :D

Now we must see pics....lots of pics :lol:
Thanks for the nice comments every1 :)) i will try and put some pics on l8ter Geoff n Hazel are coming over at the weekend i will ask them to bring their camara if they don't mind :thumbsup:
Got a few pics of the puppies i will try and upload them now , not the best pics but - here goes :sweating:

There hungry little buggers - they havn't stopped feeding (w00t)

This is puppy number 1 , this was the first one born.The others to follow in no perticular order.
