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I've just been told that Jane's WCRCh Deadly Nightshade is definitely pregnant to Adrian & Sheila's On A Mission. Puppies are due on 23rd September. :D
Um Judy why does the title say Red Watch x Deadly Nightshade?
No Barbara was right it did say red watch earlier, Judy is just playing mind games with us,HA HA (as if we're not confused enough as it is.)See you all on Sunday,

:D Very smug Barbara!! :D

I wonder if they're due on 24th October, 'cos they haven't been born yet??!! :w :8 ;)
June! you shouldn't make fun of the less able? i'm often not sure what day it is but Judys into MONTHS :p
Oh for God's sake, I'm losing my mind :p

Yes, it should be OCTOBER of course. Where's the Valium :8 :w

Look in the dog cage, I usually find mine there!!!!

June from North of the Border
Valium Judy? Perhaps you should just go back to bottles of wine, instead of 3 litre boxes!!!! THEN, you'll know how much you've had!!! :0 ;)
Ha Ha Ha .. Very funny :b

Both Junes are right though. I did find my mind in the dog cage - sort of squashed into the mesh. What should I do June. Peel it off and add water ? Or wine? I think I had better not stir it though or my brains will be completely scrambled. :w
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deadly nightshade had one puppy sire

is ON A MIssion born on 19/10/03