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I've stumbled accross this site as I was searching for information on whippets and whippet racing. I had lurchers as a youngster and chased a few rabbits and went to shows and tried lurcher racing etc with a little bit of success. I drifted away from it as my lurchers aged and went back to a show for the first time in 5 years this summer.

As my staffy is reaching the twighlight of her life (she's 14 now) I'm looking for another dog to come into the family and keep the lurcher (he's 7) happy and i've got my heart set on a whippet. My uncle always had whippets when i was growing up and they were my first introduction to dogs and also chasing rabbits. Having dabbled with the lurcher racing, the intention will be to try and school a whippet to race and have a bit of fun with it at the weekend. It will live omn the sofa with the lurcher and become a fully intergrated member of the family. I'm unsure as to whether to look at pedigree or non ped so would welcome advice either way... From what I think i've understood from this site is that the non peds are a bit quicker ( thats what i understood from reading the schooling faq section on here...)

My questions are :

apart from the KC paperwork what are the main differences between ped & non ped racing?

Where do I look for a pup? (I've seen the posts on here regarding matings and possible arrivals, but thought it might be intrusive to start messaging people regarding their pups - Also I want a bitch and preferably blue - i know that might be a big ask!)

Where around me will I be able to race (i'm in Fleetwood, from what i can gather there is a meeting in Lancaster in the summer, there are races at westhoughton track and also littleborough which I think are my closest)

If anyone can help in anyway I'd be really greatful.


Welcome Mikey.

You seem to have pretty much sussed out your nearest clubs and there are links to all on this website. The tendency is towards non-peds if you live in the North and peds if you live in the South, as this is the general area for the two types of racing. However, this is a generalisation, and there are plenty of pedigree racers who live in Lancashire. One of the Northern pedigree clubs also races non-peds as well, I believe, but as I race pedigrees it's really all I'm qualified to comment on.

In my own opinion you should visit a club or two, make yourself known and show some interest in the racing, maybe lend a hand if help is wanted. You will get to hear of litters due, recent or puppies that are ready to go, and breeders will more readily sell to someone they know of, rather than someone who has posted on a website only.

As to the two types, there is little to chose from in terms of what you want to do, the whippet is a great breed to own, very compatible with both adults and children and easy to train and maintain. If you don't intend to travel far for your racing, I'd recommend finding a club that is relatively close and that you enjoy going to, then get a dog that best suits that club's type of racing. The non-peds ARE quicker, but all things are relative - and it means their opponent racers are quicker too!

Good luck.
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The lancashire pedigree whippet racing club meet on a sunday at littleborough rugby club,you are welcome to come along and have a look at us any sunday. The person to ring for information on the post code and club is Mark Roberts.PM me and I'll give you his number.