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New dog mummy


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Hi Everyone

I have just welcomed my first dog into my home. I am the proud owner of an 8 week old male cockerspainiel puppy named Hugo.

I'm a little anxious about having him. Not sure the best way to do things.
He seems to be such a good boy. He appears to have very good bladder control at night. Only getting up to him once or twice. Has anyone else experienced this or am I kidding myself and its just drying in his bed?
Welcome to the forum!

It's natural to be anxious - it's all very new. Chances are you're just lucky with the night-time wees - if he's waking you up once or twice when he does need to go, then he's unlikely to be weeing in his bed at other times.

We have lots of info on puppies linked to from this post: Useful Links & Recommended Reading But don't hesitate to ask if there's anything you're unsure of.
He doesn't make a noise at night. I am intentionally going down to him to take him out as I think he is far to young to make it through. He is very good. He seems very content in his crate and he will take himself off to it during the day to chill out or nap.
I'm worried this bubble will burst catastrophically.
I'm worried this bubble will burst catastrophically.

I hate to say this, but being realistic it is possible. A lot of puppies are exhausted from the massive change when they come to their new home and settle quickly, but after a few days that wears off. If he is only 8 weeks old, I'm guessing he may still be in that period.

But try not to worry. Whatever he does is likely to be very normal and we have strategies to suggest for most things. Do read the link Judy gave you, there's lots of useful stuff there and of course we will try to help with any questions you have.
Ah, OK - I still reckon you've just got lucky!

No doubt, just like human babies, he'll show a less angelic side at some point, but as he seems to be a laid-back lad, you're unlikely to encounter anything too awful. Whatever happens, we'll be able to help as most of us have had problematic pups at some point, so I'd just enjoy your little angel for now and try not to worry about the future.
Hi and welcome I too have a cocker spaniel, she is 7 months old now

I started with putting her to bed at 10pm then up for wee around 1am then again around 4am - I was lucky as I went to bed at 10pm and didn’t get up until 6.30am (I had a teenager in the house :D who did the nights as they slept different times to us :D )

we move the times over a few nights until we were just letting her out around 2am then slowly moved that until she was going all night.

enjoy the first few weeks and try and get out and socialise him as much as possible now by carrying him until he has all his injections
I did this and she’s great - I took her in the car lots to get used to it (as my last cocker was a nightmare in the car) I took her to see all sorts of animals, and transport (cars, lorries, tractors, buses)
Went and stood outside a supermarket, a school at home time

note I did all this over weeks and not in one day :D

look forward to hearing how you and Hugo get on :)