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New Dog Beds


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A while ago I bought some fun dog beds for the whippets.

Here they are. Woody being very important always tries out the beds first.
BJ they are brill where did you get them from i think Kieren would probably spend more time in them than the dogs though especially the car one.
But it's okayish it survived that attempt at squashing.
:lol: :lol: :lol: That's so funny !!! I'm sure they love it !

You'll be happy they don't get far with their car :D
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Paula Roberts said:
BJ they are brill where did you get them from i think Kieren would probably spend more time in them than the dogs though especially the car one.

Well I did think that they were a fun idea at the time. It was the car that I really wanted.

I bought them from that guy at West Somerset open. He was selling dog food out of his van. Wasn't as bad as that sounds btw people. They were a fiver each.

Unfortunately the house got Moused. (w00t) When I got the dog food ready he'd rush and grab it by the roof and shake it like mad till the roof and innerds etc were scattered about the room. Then one day I came home and it had been totally trashed. Bits of it all over the place. I suspect Mouse and Whizz. :- "

The car lasted several weeks longer but continued squishing from Tally took it's toll and it became a very strange shape. + Mouse kept grabbing the furry lining and running off with it. :b :rant:
Poppy wants to know if they have one like a motorbike, (w00t) she has always wanted a motorbike (w00t)
Ive been driving in my car.......... its not quite a Jaguar ........ Brill beds Beejay - dogs look great in them. :lol: :thumbsup:
Brilliant beds! And I love that BHT :wub:
The BHT needs a large van instaed of a car thats the trouble, they are fab bed love the one of the house full of legs :lol:
BeeJay said:
A while ago I bought some fun dog beds for the whippets.
Here they are.  Woody being very important always tries out the beds first.

HI please do tell where you got them?

my boy would love one of those....
Did you get them on line the houes one would be brill for Indy as shes getting to big for her cat coccon she has now and likes to be snuggeled up in it at night
Excellent Barbara :lol:

Mouse obviously did not appreciate his new bed....naughty Mouse..... :p

A fiver well spent - gave us a good chuckle :cheers: