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New Country Sport

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What do you think about the new sport of rabbit and ferret racing???


i did not take the photo so no complaints please!!!
Could be a bit iffy if your dog was chasing them he would have to wait for the jockey to fall off before the dog could strike :lol: :lol:
Bet the ferret didn't do that again :- "
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:thumbsup: Class photos... I cant get over that first one. Brilliant.

Great picture, have seen a few ferrets come flying out of holes as they have tried to stay attached before but never seen one go for a proper ride! quality.

Had a rat try and give ferret a ride before though! big mistake :D

superb photos :thumbsup:
I think it's great how nobody objects to seeing rats being killed :thumbsup:

Great pics as always Murphy.
Fantastic pix but just love the first one.............but surely he should be wearing a skull cap? (w00t)
I had a huge dog ferret not really good as he would pull the nets down rather than go through the holes but he could move anything. He did exactly the same came out on the back of a rabbit, he had been down for ages and the rabbit had lost a circle of fur around its neck where he had been scratching it to get it to move. He also got to a rabbit caught in a net before I did and killed it with a bit to the neck. The strange thing was he was so gentle and never bit anybody, even when my daugher aged 4 decided to see if he could swim in her paddling pool. Thank picture took me back quite a few years.