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New Car!


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Well, finally have the new vehicle sussed (haven't actually bought it yet but going for a test drive tommorow).

BIG thanks to Rae for the good advice and enthusiasm - we have decided on a Bongo (well, the one we are looking at is a Ford Freda - but I am assured that I will still be able to do the secret message! LoL :D )

Will pop some pics up tommorow but it is black and lovely. I dont think that I have ever been so excited about the thought of a "new" (well 10 years old actually :blink: ) car before - strange eh! and the latest thing is to spot other Bongo drivers - also very strange :blink: :blink: LoL :D

Thanks to everyone who made other suggestions when I was first looking :thumbsup:
Lucky you! But buy a bongo not a freda so you can be a fully paid up member of the Bongolier gang. We bought ours this Easter and have toured the North East and Scotland during that time, us sleeping downstairs and our whippets each having their dog bed placed on the drivers/passengers seats - heaven!

Life isn't as organised at home though where the dogs sneak into our bed when we're asleep :D The Bongo wave though is the best bit of being an owner - it's like being a kid in a gang with a secret handshake.

Sadly not all owners are aware of the 'wave'/waves.

When you spot a bongo but are not driving one yourself - you make the sign of the elevating roof. Hence we upset a bald man in a Bongo by frantically slapping the tops of our heads at him - the sign of the elevating roof tends to look like an insulting 'slaphead' jibe when done at speed in passing vehicles! :- " Ho hum - Bongo fun!
OMG !!! .....Another Bongo coming to Cotswolds .....John (with Tutti) is also looking at getting one .......Chris and Beej like them too ......At this rate we're going to have to call ourselves South Cotswolds PWRC and Bongo fanciers :eek: .......I hope you enjoy your test drive, and black ....what a great colour ;) ......Look forward to the photos :D
Bongo's are great no wonder you're excited! My friend owns one here in Box
Thats good to hear - we shall be picking ours up in a week to 10 days depending on how long the registration takes :thumbsup:

In the meantime a few pics :D


Rob is very sad and keeps on humming the A Team theme tune every time I talk about it LoL (w00t) :lol:
Mr Whippy said:
Lucky you! But buy a bongo not a freda so you can be a fully paid up member of the Bongolier gang. We bought ours this Easter and have toured the North East and Scotland during that time, us sleeping downstairs and our whippets each having their dog bed placed on the drivers/passengers seats - heaven! Life isn't as organised at home though where the dogs sneak into our bed when we're asleep :D The Bongo wave though is the best bit of being an owner - it's like being a kid in a gang with a secret handshake.

Sadly not all owners are aware of the 'wave'/waves.

When you spot a bongo but are not driving one yourself - you make the sign of the elevating roof. Hence we upset a bald man in a Bongo by frantically slapping the tops of our heads at him - the sign of the elevating roof tends to look like an insulting 'slaphead' jibe when done at speed in passing vehicles! :- "  Ho hum - Bongo fun!

"When you spot a bongo but are not driving one yourself - you make the sign of the elevating roof".

OMG is it me or is that the saddest thing you have ever heard :x
Just sounds like a bit of harmless fun to me! (w00t) :lol: :p and Im all for anything that makes people smile.
Fun is good :D ........Is that a mafia Bongo Darc ?? .....Black with dark tinted windows :eek: ......... (w00t)
Yes, we are going to scare all the other whippets running in our races so they stay in the traps and my boys can win :D A good and cunning plan eh!

Fletch says that he thinks that he is going to look very "Cool" in it 8) and says that Connie, Eric and Jacob can visit him any time they like! :cheers:
(w00t) Congratulations, I'm so pleased for you (w00t)

I saw Rae's at the last BSFA meeting, and was suitably impressed 8)

looks great darcia,bet you carnt wait :thumbsup:
(w00t) We had a Bongo, brilliant vehicles :) everybody in other Bongo's wave at you it takes a bit of getting use too :- " Have you tried the Bongo Fury web site, tells you everything you need to know about them. :thumbsup:
I had better not let my daughter see this post.she will be sooooooooooo jealous


Ooh Im getting really excited now - glad to hear so many good comments about them :D
Glad you posted a pic Darc, I was thinking I was the only one who didn't know what a Bongo was - but now I know, and it's very smart. It looks similar to the Mitzibishi Delica that Steve and I were tempted by once. It must be an import right? Will look forward to seeing it in the flesh so to speak - will you have it on Sunday?
No, sadly not yet - still waiting for the registration to be sorted was told that would probably be at least 10 days :( - but shouldnt be too long now.

Yes you are right about import, had come straight in on the ship 48 hours before I first visitied - she is learning English very quickly though LoL :p :lol:
(w00t) that looks one mean machine Darcia :thumbsup: Very tasty :thumbsup: love it in black......i had never heard of them before, like June i thought i was the only one who had not heard about them :blink: had to google it :) went on their site & was very impressed,May you all have many happy miles touring the opens/champs next year :thumbsup: :huggles: