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New Camera


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I got a new camera at Christmas, it's quite complicated to say the least.

all I want really is to be able to take good pics of the dogs when they are running.

It's an OlympusE-420 and came with a 14-42mm lens.

What with the snow & ice recently I've not had much chance to practice with it cos I just couldn't be hassled to carry something extra on walks. Also I had visions of falling over & it smashing to bits :eek:

I don't really know too much about cameras so can anyone help me? Will I need a bigger lens to get close ups of running dogs, e.g at racing or agility shows & if so what size is best?

So come on all you excellent photographers out's it done???
I would think this is a fairly decent it the SLR model.... I have the Cannon400D myself

but have heard good reports about the Olympus cameras too. I have a small pocket sized Olympus too and it takes brilliant photos,

and they are a lot sturdier than what they look... ;)

You may need a better lense to take close up running shots....but Id practice with the camera and get used to all the settings, before you

invest in another lense, try googling online to see some of the other lenses and what they are used for...
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As already mentioned another lense would be needed to get good close up and action shots. I'd recommend a 70-300mm or simular. Unfortunately unlike Canon and Nikon, Olympus don't have alot of lenses to choose from as there range is very limited.

The Olympus digital slr's have a good reputation and i'm sure you'll get some good photo's
Thanks, I am getting to grips with it a bit better & have managed to get some fairly decent motion shots even with the lens I got with it.

Not brilliant but not too bad, what do you reckon?




The best thing about digital slr's is you can practice without it costing you a fortune to see the results.... Just a sugestion when taking photo's of dogs try and take the photo at the dogs level. You do tend to get better shots.

If you look at the camera handbook and try the manual settings. Look for the shutter priority setting. For action shots i try and set the shutter speed at around 1/800 - 1/1250 sec , you want the focusing on centre spot. you will get nice sharp images at this shutter speed...the camera will set the f stop automatically although you may need to set the ISO.

You will soon get used to the camera and when you get used to using the camera with the lens you have,you could always invest in a better lens.
Thanks again :D

I did think of getting down to dog level but my grey & white dog would have probably thought it was great fun to knock me over whilst I was down there :clown:

Thanks for the technical advice, I'll have to sit & read the handbook at the weekend & see if any of it makes sense.

These pics have been compressed to fit on this site and do look a lot better in the original.
Amazing shots, always love to see dogs running and zooming over the white stuff.

Photos seemed little darker, maybe you can work out on lighting to make them clearer.