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New Camera


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Just thought id take a couple of pic's to make sure it was working.Took them at just 0.3 MP.The first one was ok,but the big brown lad did'nt like the flash,and before i new what was happening,he was making a b line for me.So as i took off,i also pushed the button and you can see the result of trying to run and shoot,with a camera and 3 dog's.From now on,i'll use the full 12x soom,and the whole length of the field. NEW_CAM__S_FIRST_PIC__S.10_30_PM_003.jpgNEW_CAM__S_FIRST_PIC__S.10_30_PM_004.jpg
can we see a picture of your underpants you theyre the same colour as that bull :x

j o:) hn
Gosh hes one big fella :lol: good luck with the new camera. :thumbsup:
well you had a lucky escape,and well done for keeping hold of the camera :sweating: :lol:
I really get freaked by bulls, I know I'm a bit of a wimp but even that photo gives me the creeps :)


Nice piccies with your new camera though :thumbsup:



Tracey X
Your a brave man Billy, :luck: with the new camera. And keep them photos coming.

ps welcome back John :thumbsup:
aye so its true, red bull does give you wings
trish g said:
well you had a lucky escape,and well done for keeping hold of the camera :sweating:   :lol:
If it had'nt been wrapped around my neck,new or not,it was a gonner. ...Billy...
stormydog said:
can we see a picture of your underpants you theyre the same colour as that bull  :x
          j o:) hn

John,this mad thing was booin at me long after id gone out of sight.The only problem now is,that he is on one of my favorite walk's with the dog's.And i bet he remember's that distict smell. Agood camera John.Load's of reading to do,and a few SD cards to buy,as im short concidering this thing can take load's of pic's in a few second's.Ionly got a 16 MB,along with the cam,and i have a 128 card.I have plenty of CF card's,1GBs.Waste of space now i suppose.Will be practicing for next sunday.Sports mode on this thing seems very good,so finger's xx. OH,and by the way,that bull is red,not brown.And as im having no problem's at the moment with pile's,my underpant's are not the same colour as him.HA HA HA.
billyboy45 said:
stormydog said:
can we see a picture of your underpants you theyre the same colour as that bull   :x
          j o:) hn

John,this mad thing was booin at me long after id gone out of sight.The only problem now is,that he is on one of my favorite walk's with the dog's.And i bet he remember's that distict smell. Agood camera John.Load's of reading to do,and a few SD cards to buy,as im short concidering this thing can take load's of pic's in a few second's.Ionly got a 16 MB,along with the cam,and i have a 128 card.I have plenty of CF card's,1GBs.Waste of space now i suppose.Will be practicing for next sunday.Sports mode on this thing seems very good,so finger's xx. OH,and by the way,that bull is red,not brown.And as im having no problem's at the moment with pile's,my underpant's are not the same colour as him.HA HA HA.

:thumbsup: :D nice one Bill or should I say David Bailey Boy :D
:eek: You didnt go out in your red cape again did you Billy?? :- " :lol:

Stormy caught Billyboy practising this morning :D

If this thing can do this,and i havent a clue as to what im doing yet.Then i think it was worth the 160 mile round trip,and the £149.99.NEW_CAM__S_FIRST_PIC__S.10_30_PM_005.jpg
And this is a cracker.NEW_CAM__S_FIRST_PIC__S.10_30_PM_007__3_.jpgNEW_CAM__S_FIRST_PIC__S.10_30_PM_007__3_.jpg

Sorry,double vision.Did'nt know about this. Ha Ha Ha.
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That bulls a big old brute :eek: