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New Arrival...guinea Pigs...


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Can you remember the two guinea pig girlies I got a couple of months ago....well the guy I bought them from said he thought the male may have caught one of them and prepared me in case they may be pregnant.

Anyway I used to breed guinea pigs years ago so I was quite looking forward to it and have kept an eye on them both. The gestation period is 63 days..

I checked on the girls at 3 pm today and Nothing.

Richard and I came back with the dogs tonight...about 8.40 pm and I had a quick peek...

Unfortunately there were two perfectly formed little dead babies..Im gutted really and even massaged one of them which was really clean..but alas sign of life.. :( Ive buried them in the garden tonight.

....BUT....THE GOOD NEWS IS.. We have one tiny little perfect tri-coloured baby :thumbsup: :huggles:

I will try and get some pictures tomorrow...obviously its been a very traumatic time for mum... :huggles: :(

RIP the two little ones... :huggles:

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Im so sorry to hear about the babies you lost. :( must have been horrible for you to look in and see.

Good luck with your new little one, are you going to keep him/her? can't wait to see pictures!! Hope mum is ok too :huggles:
sorry about the 2 little ones you lost janis :( RIP Lil ones xxx

but congrats on ur one new baby :huggles: looking forward to pics xxx
oh sorry to hear you lost two :( ,a similar thing happened to us years ago with a rabbit,but she only had two and both died :(

Sorry about the little ones Janis, poor mum :( but good luck to the baby left :luck: :luck: :luck:
rest in peace little ones :huggles:

congratulations on the little one, im sure he/she will be very special to you :wub:
Looking forward to seeing pics of your new baby

So sorry that you lost the other two. I hope Mummy and baby guinea are doing well now :huggles:
Well here are the promised pictures this morning.

Not sure of the sex yet...shall have a look later on.

He/she (Solo) seems to be doing well and having two lovely girls to look after her... :huggles: :wub:







It will more than likely stay here if its a girl....and my friend who I work with may have it if its a little boy. :thumbsup:
What a cutie Solo is (great name :D ), love the markings. Hope she is a girl so you can keep her.

Sorry for the other two little ones :(
awwww solo is gorgous, love the markings :wub: :wub:
Solo is sooo cute :wub: I think the name is great as well :thumbsup:

Sorry to hear about the other two liitle ones :(
:wub: what a poppet :wub: it's :- " so adorable :huggles:

Best of Luck :luck:
Oh, little Solo is beautiful. Such lovely markings. I'm so glad that you have one that is alright. What a little sweetie. :wub: :wub:
How cute is that baby guinea pig? :wub:

It's quite a long gestatation period for such a small mammal isn't it, but you can see why when they are born with all their hair and eyes open and fully formed. It's amzing how quickly they are ready to breed...from 4 weeks old. I've heard countless stories of baby guinea pigs being pregnant when they are sold as pets. I got one of my female cavies from PAH, and then heard how many of them ended up being pregnant. I had an anxious wait for while (w00t)

Are you going to keep her...she's very cute?
Thanks everyone, just got in from work...had a quick peek and he/she is doing fine... :huggles: :wub:
can you pleeeze pick him/her up and sex him/her as it's doing my head in (w00t)

he/she is lovely :wub: gorgeous markings.

i bred guineas for fifteen years and must admit i really miss it now. may start breeding again next year.

i've attended many a piggy birth and saved a few but only lost two babies,one was huge and one very small. pigs are amazing mums though aren't they. :wub:

i have six females at the moment but wouldn't breed from them but i rather fancy breeding sheltie or coronet piggies.

just please please go and sex the pig :lol: (w00t)
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OK WHIPPETSRULE... :lol: :lol:

Im pleased to announce.........ITS A GIRL... :wub: :huggles: Happy now... :D
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I also used to breed them years ago...I must say its lovely having babies again.. :huggles: :lol: Ive always preferred the tri-colours...