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Well, we didn't think we were ready for number three but she found us and we decided after many emotional discussions that we would keep her :wub:

Meet Emmy:


She's not strictly all whippet, as I'm sure you can tell from the pic, but as most people I know on here are whippet people, I thought you wouldn't mind if she becomes an honorary whippet and pops up on the whippet discussion page from time to time ;)

Emmy was brought into our RGT kennels by the dog warden who had found her straying and was dropping her off for a rest before taking her on to the pound. I know the pound in question is not a nice place AND puts dogs down :angry: I couldn't bear the thought of this little girl in kennels so, with Scruples support, offered to foster her while she did her seven days. If this had been any other day of the week I would have missed her as I only go to the kennels for a couple of hours a week - God knows what might have happened to her. Luckily the kind warden agreed to me fostering her and I found myself driving home with an extra whippet. We didn't have any idea of her real name so I quickly thought of Emmy (after Emmylou Harris, the singer) on the way home as a way of creeping round my husband who had been adamant that we were only having two dogs.

I put a notice on K9, Facebook and Dog Lost and of course the police and local dog wardens knew but no-one came forward and after seven days this gorgeous girl became ours legally as the warden signed her over to us. She is perfect for us - loves Roscoe and Grover and even loves Gus the cat :wub: Permission to keep her was granted by my OH in honour of my 40th birthday! She's a bit skinny and had some odd bruises and scratches. She cowered when I reached over her to stroke Ros, so I don't think she's had the best of times but she's safe now on her forever sofa :))
Emmy is lovely and has such a pretty face :wub: Thank goodness you were at the kennels that day, she sounds as though she has settled with you perfectly :huggles:
Emmy looks really gorgeous. :wub: :wub: :wub: Do you think she has a bit of Saluki in her?

It must have been fate that you were at the kennels at the right time. :luck:
Yes she's definitely got some saluki there! In the dark kennels she just looked like a big whippet but it wasn't til I got her home that I could se the beautiful Cleopatra 'eye makeup' and the way she holds her ears. Her tail comes up and over when she's happy, like a saluki/ Afghan tail but she's quite small (about 19")so I think she's mostly whippie :wub:
What a beautiful girl, and she has the most lovely smile in that photo :wub: :wub: :wub: Hope you will be very happy together - sounds like she has settled already, bless her.
Emmy is gorgeouse, so pretty and girly :wub:

How could your OH resist? I bet the boys love her to bits.

She has a definate regal look sitting there in her bed.

Congratulations and welcome Emmy
what a very lucky girl :wub: she has a lovely kind face, how can someone not want her?
she is absolutely beautiful....i couldn't have resisted her either. :wub: :wub:
Aw, she's a pretty wee thing isn't she :wub: Sounds like it was fate that she came to live with you :)
Im just so pleased for you Sharron....she is the most beautiful gentle girl... :wub: :wub:

and couldnt have a better home.....she looks perect with your two :wub:
Isn't she a little darling. I love happy endings to what could have been an awfully sad but predictable statistic - they make me cry, the sad old mare that I am! Good on you and good luck to you all. Look forward to hearing how Emmy, the honorary whippy, settles in.
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What a seriously beautiful little girl :wub:

Thank goodness you were in the right place at the right time :thumbsup:
She looks gorgeous and Dash says he hopes she enjoys his spot on the sofa :)) She looks like she knows she is a very lucky girl!
it is the perfect end to a story which could have had such a different finish!

Well Done Sharron and co!!!
She has the most beautiful face, and I'm so glad you have her. She is one lucky girl x
aww beautiful Emmy! :wub: Could do with more stories like yours sounds and looks like your safe now! :)) Have a happy fun life with your lovely new owner! :wub: :wub:
Only just found this. She is beautiful and very, very, lucky.
I'll take some more pics and get them on here but she's so friendly now that as soon as I go near her she wants hugs - so I just get pics of a big head looming towards me :lol: