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Neospara in Raw Beef Mince?


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i recall someone posting a thread regarding their dog accidently eating some mince meat they had purchased for a family meal and accidently dropped some on the floor uncooked. the dog became very ill not too sure if they died either. The meat had a bug which would have been eliminated once cooked. It was a long while ago, does any1 remember the thread and can any1 point me in the right direction to find it...cheers..if found does any1 mind if i post it on another site
Hi it was in general disscussion lurchers...

I posted about this cos its not true...the bug is called Neospara...I'm putting in what I posted about the bug.

I've just got back from a visit to the vets and I asked lots of questions about feeding raw.

The main questions I asked was what was about Neospara and is it connected to feeding raw and does raw meat have to be frozen prior to feeding???

And...Neospara is a form of Meningitis which is SOMETIMES present in cattle but it is extremely rare...humans as well as dogs can contract it if they eat contaminated meat.

Raw meat DOES NOT need to be frozen before consumption as humans as well as dogs can eat a certain percentage of bacteria before coming ill (i.e. food poisoning happens if food is out of date or left open to the elemnets etc)

Lets face it wild animals won't eat meat if its been dead too long!!

A study has taken place where animals have died and been tested and found to have had Neospara...these animal were NOT fed the raw diet and therefore it is not necessarily connected to feeding the raw diet.

Neospara is a protozoa and not a bactera. A protozoa is a parasite that live in in or on another organism (i.e animal or plant)
I know of a boxer who was a few bits of some raw fresh human grade minced meat as a treat while she cooked the rest for her families tea.

Trouble is raw, unfrozen meat can carry a parasite in it and it killed the dog. Freezing kills the parasite as does cooking.

It was a couple of years ago that I posted about it. I'll see if I can find it.
:) FAQ is always a good place to start if you're tracking down an old post. Very often the links are there, and this one is no exception. There's a lot of advice on feeding raw meat, including a link to the topic you were looking for, here: FAQ feeding
my thoughts on this subject is, a dog can eat 10 times more bacteria than humans before they would get any kind of reaction,so i cannot imagine any mince fit for human consumption to be highly infected with bacteria.also any food a dog consumes is cleared from the animal within 6 hours,so does not

give the bacteria chance to multiply to any dangerous levels.

my vet gave me the above information .
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Did you speak to Brendan as well Pat...did he tell you same as me...its the incorrect information???
hellybobs said:
Did you speak to Brendan as well Pat...did he tell you same as me...its the incorrect information???
it was mr marsden the other vet that gave me the info,he kept me 30 mins on the subject.
LMAO he's a great vet but can talk the hind leg off a donkey (w00t)
trish and graham said:
my thoughts on this subject is, a dog can eat 10 times more bacteria than humans before they would get any kind of reaction,so i cannot imagine any mince fit for human consumption to be highly infected with bacteria.also any food a dog consumes is cleared from the animal within 6 hours,so does notgive the bacteria chance to multiply to any dangerous levels.

my vet gave me the above information .

I take it then you didn't read the links. It isn't a bacteria. :thumbsup:
It actually it is a form of Meningitis...that is only present in cattle and is quite rare.

Numerous test are carried out on cattle to determine whether it is present. If it is present the cattle are distroyed.

If by chance it does manage to get into the shops both humans and animals can catch it...but again very few cases have been reported.

In a survey carried out on post mortems on dogs and cats...all that died from Neospara did not eat any raw meat or had ever been on a raw meat diet.

This is info from my vet.
LOL...if you get an appointment with him, you've got to allow at least an hour just in case he keeps you talking (w00t)
hellybobs said:
It actually it is a form of Meningitis...that is only present in cattle and is quite rare. 
Numerous test are carried out on cattle to determine whether it is present.  If it is present the cattle are distroyed.

If by chance it does manage to get into the shops both humans and animals can catch it...but again very few cases have been reported.

In a survey carried out on post mortems on dogs and cats...all that died from Neospara did not eat any raw meat or had ever been on a raw meat diet.

This is info from my vet.

Meningitis is, an inflammation of the Meninges it can be caused by various things including trauma, auto immune disease, bacteria etc etc etc.

I really would have thought that your vet would have told you that.

Oh and BTW just so that you know that it's all a big internet lie like you think that it is. I know the person whose Boxer died. She knows exactly what caused the dogs death and I know that she isn't lying as you are trying to make out that she is.
BeeJay said:
hellybobs said:
In a survey carried out on post mortems on dogs and cats...all that died from Neospara did not eat any raw meat or had ever been on a raw meat diet.

This is info from my vet.

Oh and BTW just so that you know that it's all a big internet lie like you think that it is. I know the person whose Boxer died. She knows exactly what caused the dogs death and I know that she isn't lying as you are trying to make out that she is.

Well, lets face it; there IS A LOT of misinformation on the Internet. How could the person who lost the Boxer be 100% sure the dog got the Neospora from the meat? Nobody said these people are lying, but it is just their opinion.
Seraphina said:
BeeJay said:
hellybobs said:
In a survey carried out on post mortems on dogs and cats...all that died from Neospara did not eat any raw meat or had ever been on a raw meat diet.

This is info from my vet.

Oh and BTW just so that you know that it's all a big internet lie like you think that it is. I know the person whose Boxer died. She knows exactly what caused the dogs death and I know that she isn't lying as you are trying to make out that she is.

Well, lets face it; there IS A LOT of misinformation on the Internet. How could the person who lost the Boxer be 100% sure the dog got the Neospora from the meat? Nobody said these people are lying, but it is just their opinion.

Personally I don't care, this isn't misinformation.

I quote

>Neospora is a parasite that is ingested from contaminted meat, that is fresh, and from the consumption it only takes 1-3 days for the parasite to attack the brain, then work its way down the spinal cord,

(That's the meningitus bit BTW Hellybobs :thumbsup: )

>As we eat very little meat ourselves, and never feed fresh uncooked meat to our dogs , I can definatly say that it was the fresh lean mince steak from tesco, that is the cause.

I posted about this cos its not true...

Hmm well if it's not true then it's a lie. Hellybobs own words if you check back. So sorry but she did say say that it was a lie.
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:- "

craftycarper said:
Thanks guy's hope looks like i've opened a can of worms
:- " No, you haven't, and BeeJay is right. It DOES occur in raw beef, and thus can be ingested and cause, in its worst case, death. The dog papers were full of it when it happened, and Tesco issued a statement, saying that although their beef is fit for human consumption, ALL meat should be cooked prior to ingestion. You can check this out by going through the back issues of the dog papers if you feel the need. Even one of the big pet food manufacturers felt the need to issue a statement to the dog press re-iterating the health benefits from feeding a BARF diet to dogs, and stating the 'safety' of their meat for dogs.

So the bottom line is that you can, if you chose, feed your dog raw beef from the supermarket or anywhere else for that matter. But you have to be aware, that like everything else in life, it carries a risk, however miniscule. :nuke:
cheers for that, i knew i had seen it somewhere and i thought it was the pedigree whippet site but they pointed me to K9.

I had seen a post on another site about someone who had fed raw beef mince to their dog and mentioned the incident i had read, they basically said it was a load of crap so i have copied and pasted it on there. As you quite rightly said i can only point it out to them and even though the risk is low its still there so it's down to them at the end of the day. I even freeze rabbit for a short time before feeding it to the dog as they can be infested with worm etc, although other people are not bothered by it as they say that if you worm dogs regularly there is no need to but i just can't bear the thought of it must be getting soft in me old age. :D